Remission advice

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all. I’m a newbie here so sorry if this is in the wrong place.
October 22 - diagnosed as T2, A1C around 95, weight 21 and half stone…137kg
put on Metformin, ramped up to 4 a day over 4 weeks.
changed diet, started walking, portion control

Second appointment in Jan 23, about 115kg, daily finger prick tests mostly good.

3rd appointment July 23, 96kg, A1C at 30…started coming off Metformin over next 4 weeks…

Daily prick tests all good, daily readings average 5.3ish - this week at 95kg (just a tad under 15stone)…have been reducing Metformin over last 3 weeks and just started 1 per day yesterday. Just got reading of 6.8 before dinner so wondering if I should continue to reduce or stay on 2 tabs per day.?

I’m going on holiday to Italy in 2 weeks and have promised myself ice cream and pizza at least once while we are away!

what can I expect from 1 tab per day? will my levels adjust? What was your experience?

Thanks, John.
Wow, that’s a good reduction. Well done!

Metformin only makes modest changes to hba1c - research seems to disagree on exactly how much, but I’ve seen a full dose can bring it down by over 12. It used to be thought that 1500 was the lowest effective dose, but I’ve seen research that shows low doses can have an effect.

It can also bring down fasting levels as well…

It takes a few days to leave the blood cells completely, around 4 days, but the lower concentration means the effect will mean its effects will diminish over time.

I went to Italy last year and treated myself to a cannelloni and a slice of pizza!

I’m not sure what happens when you stop taking it, I went from 1000mg to 500mg and my next a1c was slightly higher, but the one after that was back down again.
Well done, you’ve done incredibly well. I was also diagnosed late last year with Hb1AC at 118 put on 3 metformin per day. By my most recent appointment it was down to 43 and the nurse reduced my metformin to 1 per day. Since then my daily finger prick tests have increased steadily and I struggle to keep under 7. First thing in the morning is up to 8 or 9. I am continuing low carb eating, daily exercise and have maintained the weight I have lost so assume the metformin is what has made the difference.
Hi, interesting to hear about the different approaches taken. My nurse said she wanted to reduce my Metformin, but I suggested I could try to come off completely, which she was happy for me to do. Best to keep testing I guess. Good luck with your levels.
I wish I'd just started with lifestyle change and not taken the Metformin; this would have given an idea as to how effective low carb/weight loss was and then I could have used medicine if levels did not come to < 48. As it is I don't know how much the 500mg of Metformin is helping keep it down. (Although as I was 36 when on 1000mg, and then 36 a year later on 500mg it may be an indication that the Metformin isn't doing much. When I showed my friend, a GP, my readings he was surprised I was still taking it!)
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