Remembering Your Medication

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm struggling so much with remembering to take my Metformin tablets. I've been on insulin for so long that I never forget it, but I've never been on long-term tablets before and I'm finding it hard to remember.

I have a box where I keep day/night insulin, syringes, my blood tester and diary so it's all in one place. I put my Metformin in here so it's right in front of me when I test/take my insulin but I still forget it. I often remember a few hours after my meal, but I can't take it then because if I have it without food I get horrible side effects. I thought about getting a pill box like my mum and nan have but I don't think it'd help because it's the timing that I find difficult.

Do any of you have the same trouble? Does anyone have special ways of remembering to take their pills? I think once I get into the habit of doing it, like my insulin, I'll be fine.

Have you tried setting an allarm clock? Maybe your watch has the facility or the cooker or you could buy a cheap from a shop or boot sale one specifically for the job or request one on your local Freecycle (just check its reliable)?

As for the not eating it with food could you have something light or simple to grab that wont affect you greatly with your tablets when you do remember (so long as they're not too close to your next dose of course)?

Ive just started taking Metformin and this is what I have done so thought it worth suggesting.


Not sure if this would help, as I only take a statin with my night time insulin, and don't know how often you take your Metformin.

When I take my evening meal jab, I then put the night pen, needlle and statin tablet on top of the small tupperware type container I keep my dailly necessities in, and put it on the kitchen worktop.

When I go to take my insulin before bed its virtually impossible to forget the tablet as it would drop off when I went to put the pen back in the box. All I know is works for me.
I still forget sometimes. I take a glilizade with my blood pressure pill and an apple first thing.

Lunchtime I take my pills to lunch with me or have them where I can see them on my desk at work.

Evening pill I take with dinner when hubby takes his pill.

For me it's all about routine, I do certain things at certain times of the day.
I take gabapentin 3 times a day, the morning i remember fine have it when i check my blood sugar and breakfast then night is fine take it when I take my lantus before bed.
the lunchtime i find difficult to remember and I don't know why, I mean to take it with my lunch but often forget.

would an alarm on your phone help? putting the tablets in your meter case so that when you test your blood sugar before eating you can get it out then?
meal as a prompt?

Sorry if this sounds too obvious, but can you use the fact that you're eating a meal as a prompt to take your Metformin?
I only have to take one tablet at lunchtime, I have a sticker on my bs machine - I then get the tablet out and put it next to my plate and glass in a small medicine pot. I have to take this med with food but take it just before i start eating. Don't know if that helps
I only take 16 tabs a day and have them sorted on a weekly basis.
The ones taken at an 'abnormal time' are remembered by setting my watch with specific alarms.
As it's a radioceptor watch, it may be a bit inelegant for a young lady
I take 22 tablets in the morning, 1 at lunch time and 8 at bedtime, plus my insulin 4 x a day. now I never miss my tablets but have trouble with my morning insulin, I sometimes can't remember whether I have taken it or not. I have yet to come up with a fail proof method, any ideas?

but have trouble with my morning insulin, I sometimes can't remember whether I have taken it or not. I have yet to come up with a fail proof method, any ideas?


what insulin do you use? there is a pen made by Lily which has a digital memory which will tell you last dose and time. But not all insulins can be used in it.
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