Remembering to take injections/meds

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone have any tips of remembering to take meds at completely arbitrary times… ?

I have been advised to switch from night time injection of my basal to one during the day to see me BS improve. All well and good 🙂 … BUT…

I can never remember to take it in the day. I tried switching before and was constantly forgetting. In the end I was switched back as not taking it at the optimum time, was better then not taking it at all! At night I am fine, because it was a part of my going to bed habbits… and bolus I remember because there is the cue of eating…

So any helpful tips?
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What bout putting it next to your toothbrush?
Oh and last time I tried setting an alarm on my mobile, but that didnt work because I didn't

a) notice the alarm
b) have it charged
c) have it with me (doh!)
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My husband has an alarm on his phone to remind me to take my lantus otherwise I forget to take it 😱 and I also have an alarm on my meter for a couple of mins after that just in case I've been disracted in the time between. Maybe you could put an alarm on your meter for when you need to take them? x
Or setting your phone alarm or if you work in an office a post-it note within you eye line?
I take my pills as soon as I wake up, wander to the living room and check my email, facebook, this site and then inject my Levemir.
5pm I take my second lot of metformin and just after dinner (try to get it at 7pm) I inject the second lot of Levemir. Very easy routine to remember. Unless I'm late getting up in which case I can forget the pills. If we go out for the day I take the evening pills and injection as soon as I get home.
I have reminders set on my moby to tell me what pill to take, how many and when. Without that I wouldn't know if I had taken them or not.
Thats a good idea... I do have a morning tea break... and it tends to only vary by about 20 minutes...

I shall see how that goes...
If there is no danger to anyone else, put the items you need where you can see them. Since hubby has to take tablets for his osteoarthritis, we remind each other. We don't leave our pills on the table as we have an almost 6 year old around. Big boy is also good at reminding us a bout evening pills.
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