Religion linked to BMI in obesity study

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
RELIGION has been linked to obesity in a recent analysis of social data by Australian researchers.

They found Christians had a higher body mass index - or were fatter - than non-Christians.

Dr Michael Kortt, of the Southern Cross University on the Gold Coast, and Professor Brian Dollery, of the University of New England, found the connection when analysing data from the federally-funded Household Income Labour Dynamics (HILDA) survey.
Crikey - them heathens must be skinny wretches then, my BMI is about 21 ISTR, and I'm a Methodist !
Good news for the Lions:D
Epidemiological study, so it's all about averages of poplulations, not individuals. Interesting idea, though, getting religious organisations involved in promoting healthy behaviour.
I heard that the obesity epidemic has been linked to the reduction of the penguin population in the south atlantic. 🙄

Andy 😎
I heard that the obesity epidemic has been linked to the reduction of the penguin population in the south atlantic. 🙄

Andy 😎

Is that caused by the increase in sales of deep fried penguins in Scotland😛
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