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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone. I’m really struggling at the moment with how relentless diabetes is. I’ve managed a few good weeks with a low carb diet since I got diagnosed but the last couple of weeks it feels like I’m constantly trying to stop myself eating whatever sweet thing I can see. Most of it is stuff I don’t even like or want it’s just there. Like cookies/cake at a conference or something my wife or kids are eating etc.
I know what I should be doing but the last few days I’ve given in to it all.
Not really sure what I’m asking here, think I just need a moan as much as anything.
Sorry to hear you’re struggling @MrBuzz - any changes can be tough, but well done for starting to make changes. 🙂 It sounds like you need to look at your diet, etc and make small changes that you can live with, without feeling like you’re missing out. I remember really really wanting to eat crisps after I was diagnosed - but I don’t even like crisps!

Some Type 2s will be along soon to give you some excellent advice. Remember, you’re not alone, and you can live well with diabetes.
Hi everyone. I’m really struggling at the moment with how relentless diabetes is. I’ve managed a few good weeks with a low carb diet since I got diagnosed but the last couple of weeks it feels like I’m constantly trying to stop myself eating whatever sweet thing I can see. Most of it is stuff I don’t even like or want it’s just there. Like cookies/cake at a conference or something my wife or kids are eating etc.
I know what I should be doing but the last few days I’ve given in to it all.
Not really sure what I’m asking here, think I just need a moan as much as anything.
I may be particular flavours or textures you are missing rather than the food itself. If it salty then try a few peanuts, if it sweet things then get your kids involved in making some of the low carb cakes and biscuits from the sugarfreelondoner website @Martin62 posts on a weekly basis.
Sorry to hear you are struggling. You are not alone. It's tough not being able to eat what you like. It will pass, mine do eventually. We are human after all. I am not saying it's ok but it happens. My husband helps as he understands, and there is nothing sweet in our house ( apart from me of course lol ) Just dust yourself down and carry on with the low carb. I did lose my sweet tooth eventually. Crisps is my main problem. Feel free to moan, we are here for you. Good luck
Thanks for the replies folks. Today is definitely better so far, evenings are by far the hardest for me though. I’ve written a plan of things to do this evening so hopefully won’t get bored enough to notice anything!
It’s also some of the weirdest things that I want. I saw someone eating a Milky Way chocolate bar the other day and really wanted one. I’ve not had one since I was a kid, so no idea where that came from.
Thanks for the replies folks. Today is definitely better so far, evenings are by far the hardest for me though. I’ve written a plan of things to do this evening so hopefully won’t get bored enough to notice anything!
It’s also some of the weirdest things that I want. I saw someone eating a Milky Way chocolate bar the other day and really wanted one. I’ve not had one since I was a kid, so no idea where that came from.
Not Pregnant are you ???? 🙂
Hi everyone. I’m really struggling at the moment with how relentless diabetes is. I’ve managed a few good weeks with a low carb diet since I got diagnosed but the last couple of weeks it feels like I’m constantly trying to stop myself eating whatever sweet thing I can see. Most of it is stuff I don’t even like or want it’s just there. Like cookies/cake at a conference or something my wife or kids are eating etc.
I know what I should be doing but the last few days I’ve given in to it all.
Not really sure what I’m asking here, think I just need a moan as much as anything.
Hi, I've been type 2 for about 5 years now. I thought it would be easy! I am diet controlled and remarkably I am in remission. I really struggle as well. Cutting the carbs isn't too bad but sweet things is a different story. I'm always hungry and live with someone who can eat anything and the house is full of cakes and sweets. He doesn't understand how hard it is to resist these. Anyway we just have to struggle on with good and bad days. I have managed to stay in remission even though I often have a small pudding or a couple of chocolates! Hope this helps, don't stop the treats but keep them to a minimum.
We-e-ell,a Milky Way certainly ain't the worst choc bar available, or at least when I was diagnosed they weren't cos they were quite a lot smaller 50+ years ago than a Mars bar then, even allowing for the lack of the caramel layer on top - but been that long since I even noticed anything at all like that, just no idea now.
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