Regularly turning basal off

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am regularly having to turn my basal off during the day and I just wondered if anyone else had to do this?

I am currently on my pumps lowest basal between 14:00 - 20:00 of 0.025.
However if I dont turn my basal off between 14:30 - 16:00 and then later 17:00-18:00 I end up hypo on both exercise and non exercise days. This is a clear pattern for me and is not bolus related. I have been feeling a bit uneasy about doing it, but my consultant and DSN are fully aware - I need to add it to my perm basal pattern now but just before I do I just wondered if anyone else had experience of this? Or am I just weird!! haha !
Only if exercising or when throwing up. If it works then its right for you
I'm not on a pump, but I no longer need my basal insulin after 4 years of diagnosis - I stopped using lantus in April. Perhaps you are similar to me and have some pancreatic function?
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