Regular sore throats

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Siannie 49

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My son is 17 and diagnosed 2 and a half yrs. He's constantly getting very sore throats every few months. He's so fed up with it. Really brings him down. Anyone elses kids or themselves experience with this. Anything I can give him maybe to prevent this or help him when he's got a sore throat. He has Multivitamins regularly..
I would think he ought to be seeing the GP if this is a regular occurrence as it may well be nothing connected to diabetes and need investigation by an ENT specialist.
You can get sugar free throat lozenges or gargling with soluble paracetamol can help.
My son is 17 and diagnosed 2 and a half yrs. He's constantly getting very sore throats every few months. He's so fed up with it. Really brings him down. Anyone elses kids or themselves experience with this. Anything I can give him maybe to prevent this or help him when he's got a sore throat. He has Multivitamins regularly..
What does his healthcare team think might be causing it?
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