Regular runner now struggling to exercise


Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
My GP advised I was pre diabetic (46 hba1c) and my blood glucose levels (started checking) / thirst / tiredness confirm this. I’ve been losing weight these last three weeks since the news steadily following a low carb intermittent fasting approach, but I’m really struggling with the cardio that I would normally find easy (5k jog, regular cycling etc). Is this just my body focusing on fat burning and not having much spare resource? Any advice much appreciated.
My GP advised I was pre diabetic (46 hba1c) and my blood glucose levels (started checking) / thirst / tiredness confirm this. I’ve been losing weight these last three weeks since the news steadily following a low carb intermittent fasting approach, but I’m really struggling with the cardio that I would normally find easy (5k jog, regular cycling etc). Is this just my body focusing on fat burning and not having much spare resource? Any advice much appreciated.
You may have over reacted and gone in too hard with cutting carbs and not replacing the reduction with protein and healthy fats. Reducing carbs can result in quite rapid weight loss and loss of muscle.
As you are only in the prediabeic zone a more gentle approach would be better.
Keeping a food diary so you can see what carbs you are having by estimating and see how close you are to a suggested no more than 130g per day. You could then afford to up them a bit and not worry too much about the intermittent fasting. Most people do that anyway as there is usually 10-12 hours between dinner and breakfast.
Have a look at this link for some ideas for balanced meals which may suit you.
You may have over reacted and gone in too hard with cutting carbs and not replacing the reduction with protein and healthy fats. Reducing carbs can result in quite rapid weight loss and loss of muscle.
As you are only in the prediabeic zone a more gentle approach would be better.
Keeping a food diary so you can see what carbs you are having by estimating and see how close you are to a suggested no more than 130g per day. You could then afford to up them a bit and not worry too much about the intermittent fasting. Most people do that anyway as there is usually 10-12 hours between dinner and breakfast.
Have a look at this link for some ideas for balanced meals which may suit you.
Brilliant, many thanks. I’ll look at the link. I expect I’ve been a bit over zealous!
My approach, which has worked well for over ten years, was to temporarily suspend my restricted carb intake when I had an endurance event to do. My glucose levels would rise a little but the exercise would soon burn it off and return it to normal. Remember that everyone's metabolism is different and you need to experiment and find out what works for you.
Thank you, that’s good to hear your experience. I’m trying a modified approach with a wee bit more whole food carb and it is beginning to feel better. Appreciate the response, thanks