Regaining muscle mass after type 2 caused severe weight loss

silver minion

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I have just joined this forum as I don't know many people with diabetes and would appreciate their experience of living with the condition. I am trying to regain muscle as I lost several kilos caused by my body burning fat and muscle as it couldn't use sugar from normal digestive process. Does anyone in the group have or had this issue?
Welcome @silver minion 🙂 Are they sure you’re Type 2? Weight loss such as you describe is common prior to Type 1 diagnosis.

Are you on meds for the diabetes?
I had that problem after losing 22kg. Drastically reduced the number of press ups I could do. Answer it takes time but exercise, exercise and more exercise seems to be the answer, yet I still have a long way to go.

Maybe Inka and Helli are right about T1, maybe not.
Hi I have just joined this forum as I don't know many people with diabetes and would appreciate their experience of living with the condition. I am trying to regain muscle as I lost several kilos caused by my body burning fat and muscle as it couldn't use sugar from normal digestive process. Does anyone in the group have or had this issue?
I had the same issues just before diagnosis (it's why I went to my GP in the first place) and went from XL to L and from a 36" waist to 32" but have regained some muscle mass and definition through taking long walks and doing 20 lengths of our local pool twice a week, so I'm with @JITR on the exercise, exercise and more exercise. I'm pretty sure that accounts for the 4kg I've regained as my BMI is still a healthy 22. At one point my wife said I was all skin and bone but now she says I'm in pretty much the same shape as when we met 35 years ago.
Hi everyone thanks for your feedback. My hba1c was 165 at initial diagnosis. Down to 133 after 3 months. Taking metformin and have cut out cakes, chocolates, fruit juice, biscuits, fizzy drinks and alcohol to reduce the free sugars loading on my body. Seems to help. Doctor said I was type 2 and not producing enough insulin. Energy levels not up vigorous exercise but I do moderate gardening daily. Lifting wheelbarrows of mulch logs or compost. Vigorous weeding of brambles and nettles so plenty of bending, stretching and resistance work for a couple of hours per session. (big garden ) eating about 2000 calories daily of at least 80% minimal processed food. Only 50kg and small frame so hoping this might help. There is plenty of information about losing weight for diabetic people but nothing that helps me.
Hi everyone thanks for your feedback. My hba1c was 165 at initial diagnosis. Down to 133 after 3 months. Taking metformin and have cut out cakes, chocolates, fruit juice, biscuits, fizzy drinks and alcohol to reduce the free sugars loading on my body. Seems to help. Doctor said I was type 2 and not producing enough insulin. Energy levels not up vigorous exercise but I do moderate gardening daily. Lifting wheelbarrows of mulch logs or compost. Vigorous weeding of brambles and nettles so plenty of bending, stretching and resistance work for a couple of hours per session. (big garden ) eating about 2000 calories daily of at least 80% minimal processed food. Only 50kg and small frame so hoping this might help. There is plenty of information about losing weight for diabetic people but nothing that helps me.
That sounds like a similar story to a friend who was diagnosed as Type 2 having already lost weight but she was never overweight in the first place but put on metformin and cut carbs so lost even more weight and muscle, but blood glucose still high, gliclazide was added. Eventually she was diagnosed as Type 1 after 2 years. I suppose it was never considered because she was nearly 80.
Make sure you eat plenty of protein and healthy fats whilst keeping a watchful eye on your carbohydrate intake, don't forget it is all carbs than convert to glucose not just the sugary stuff you mention.
Have a look at this link as there may be some ideas.
You are right though most plans assume people need to lose weight.
Thanks for the link. I will check it out. I have reduced carbs and also try to eat complex carbs as much as possible in addition to good quality protein. Weight is relatively stable since diagnosis but very close to underweight for height and build so I can't afford to lose anymore. I eat more nuts and nut butter has replaced the jam/marmalade/honey on toast I used to have for beakfast. Was eating 3 to 4000 calories daily pre diagnosis as I was hungry all the time. Unfortunately this included a lot of junk food which I have now cut out.
How does the doctor know you’re Type 2? Have you had tests done to rule out Type 1 (antibodies and C Peptide tests)?
I am not sure as I had several blood tests plus scans etc as doctors checking for various possible causes of unexpected weight loss. I am over 60 so decrepititus is increasing as my body ages more things to go wrong.
I am not sure as I had several blood tests plus scans etc as doctors checking for various possible causes of unexpected weight loss. I am over 60 so decrepititus is increasing as my body ages more things to go wrong.
I would ask if they have done blood tests for Type 1, those would be C-peptide and GAD antibodies. At least if they are done it will help clarify your situation.
I would ask if they have done blood tests for Type 1, those would be C-peptide and GAD antibodies. At least if they are done it will help clarify your situation.

Not just GAD antibodies. There are a number of Type 1 antibodies - hence my plural.
Ask @silver minion They might have done the tests already. At least you’ll know either way.
I have a diabetes review this week so I will ask about these tests then. Thanks for the information. Will let you know
Very late response but life got very busy. Tests for type 1 not done. Now on 2g metformin and 80g Gliclazide daily. Next hba1c due in about 6 weeks. Target is 80mmol. Meanwhile making I eat regularly and testing daily with finger prick and test strips in case of hypos. So far so good. Readings going down and I am feeling better. No weight gain yet but not losing any either so that's a plus
Very late response but life got very busy. Tests for type 1 not done. Now on 2g metformin and 80g Gliclazide daily. Next hba1c due in about 6 weeks. Target is 80mmol. Meanwhile making I eat regularly and testing daily with finger prick and test strips in case of hypos. So far so good. Readings going down and I am feeling better. No weight gain yet but not losing any either so that's a plus
Oops just read my post. Gliclazide dose is 80mg pd. Think I would be dead on 80g. Silly me. (Does diabetes give you a muddled brain ?)
Hi, I was in a similar position with unexpected weight loss, and constant pins and needles in my feet and legs.
Unfortunately was back in the days of Covid and no one saw me and all conversations were over the phone, I was just told “well done on the weight loss!” I’d lost a quarter of my body weight without trying. My clothes hung off me and I lost muscle tone in my legs and arms.
When I finally got a blood test, my HBA1C was 136. The diagnosis was over the phone and I was recommended to go on this website which I did.
Metformin was prescribed, building up to 4 a day. I altered my diet - reducing carbs and making sure I got lots of protein.
Slowly, I gained weight as well as seeing drastic improvements In my general health skin, hair et cetera.
I do yoga regularly and lots of walking which suits me fine.

I’d say my weight is back to where it should be, I was never overweight in the first place and I hate that “you can’t be diabetic” thing when people look at me.

My HBA1C levels are back to around 40 to 43 for my last two readings and I have reduced my Metformin right down to just one tablet a day.

If I could see the nurse I’d ask about stopping it all together, but don’t know when that will happen.

I do test my blood sugars regularly and also watch what I eat it was so frightening losing weight, but I think I’ve been losing weight over at least two or three years and probably been diabetic for ages without realising. I did wonder if I was possibly a type one, but not gone down the road of testing.Not yet anyway.

My general health is 100 times better than it was at diagnosis and at 62 I feel better than I’ve done for years. The nurse did say to me once, if she’d seen me at diagnosis, she would’ve put me straight on insulin, but then I didn’t see anybody because of Covid.

As others have said, we are all different and have to try to do the best for ourselves.
Good luck!
Thanks Chris. It's nice to know that I am not alone with the weight and muscle loss issue. I am so pleased for you,getting your blood sugars down and regaining some weight. It gives me hope that I can achieve this too. I have noticed my skin is getting some elasticity back. After losing so much weight so quickly my skin was lose and saggy. Looked awful. Also hate the "you don't look diabetic " comments. Even get them from the HCPs. I am 65 in 6 weeks so hoping to celebrate a good hba1c result.
I feel thankful for the info and experience within this group. It was a slow journey back up to a reasonable weight and I know this diabetes is forever. I’ve got some ongoing eye issues and it’s not been plain sailing, but I want to give myself the best chance to remain as healthy as I can.
I have noticed my skin is getting some elasticity back. After losing so much weight so quickly my skin was lose and saggy. Looked awful. Also hate the "you don't look diabetic " comments. Even get them from the HCPs. I am 65 in 6 weeks so hoping to celebrate a good hba1c result.
Thank you for posting this, it gives me hope that I'll gain a little back myself. I still have more weight to lose before I hit my personal target.