Refusal of Animas vibe

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Have just heard we have been refused Vibe , apparently only for adults.😡
Daughter even wrote how much intergrated CGM would help and had worked out she would save the NHS money on test strips.We use masses as she swims.Its the only waterproof sensor as she spends hours in the pool. we struggle to keep blood sugars constant, with them either high or low- see a sports team for this , who are amazing
She currently has an Animas
Going to appeal, doctors agree ..... any suggestions
Have just heard we have been refused Vibe , apparently only for adults.😡
Daughter even wrote how much intergrated CGM would help and had worked out she would save the NHS money on test strips.We use masses as she swims.Its the only waterproof sensor as she spends hours in the pool. we struggle to keep blood sugars constant, with them either high or low- see a sports team for this , who are amazing
She currently has an Animas
Going to appeal, doctors agree ..... any suggestions

Hi Mel,
Not sure exactly what you are asking.
Yes the Animas blurb says the vibe is only for over 18's :confused: But the sensors that are used are infact Dexcom. The Dexcom 7 can be bought as a stand alone device from advanced Therapeutics.
So as Animas say the vibe is not for under 18's, I can not see a PCT funding the new pump anyway. (Anything goes wrong etc and a law suit pending would make anyone shy away)
CGMS is not normally provided by the NHS as it has not been aproved by NICE. So your PCT is well within it's rights to say no.
I have asked for CGMS funding and was politely told to take a running jump by my PCT. I have Addison's disease which can and does cause low blood sugars esp when ill.
Perhaps if your Daughter has DLA this could be used to fund the sensors.
Hope you manage to sort something out though.
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Thanks for the information. we have looked at the option of getting Dexcom 7 but it is only water resistant and for 30 minutes and the reciever is not supposed to get wet - hence the DRs Requesting a Vibe for her.
Thanks for the information. we have looked at the option of getting Dexcom 7 but it is only water resistant and for 30 minutes and the reciever is not supposed to get wet - hence the DRs Requesting a Vibe for her.

Having just read the info regarding the sensors they are not aproved for children either. So suspect you are onto a hiding for nothing so to speak.

Might be worth contacting INPUT. They are so helpful and might be able to give you some pointers.
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