Reducing Hba1c

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

Newbie here, although not newbie to diabetes. I am a Type 1 and after quite a few years of not looking after myself properly and diabetes denial I have managed to drop my Hba1c from 98 to 63 since beginning of Feb this year. Obviously still a ways to go to bring it in line so what I would like to know is a little about other people's experience of bringing the Hba1c down and how long it could take. I have changed my diet, both my basal and bolus insulins have been changed and I have been given the libre 2 all of which have obviously made a difference but I know I do need to do more.

Also can anyone recommend any good information re carb counting, like an idiots guide?
Hi and welcome.

Many congratulations on reducing your HbA1c by so much already. That is a really great improvement, so well done!
Which insulins have they changed you to and from what. Insulin changes can take some time to get used to as they don't always work quite as similarly as you might expect and some have quirks which take a bit of getting your head around. It took me 2x 3 month trials of Fiasp, going back to Novo(not so)Rapid inbetween, before I got to grips with it and it was 2 very frustrating periods. I am happy with it now that I have found a way to make it work for me, but it definitely took time and experimentation. Knowing which insulins you are using may enable us to give you some tips on their possible quirks or challenges as well as benefits.
Also, if you would like to post some typical days Libre graphs, we may be able to spot some issues which we could suggest possible solutions for. Things like prebolusing earlier before meals, particularly breakfast can reduce the meal spikes and therefore reduce the time you spend above range after each meal. Medical professionals often believe the blurb that the manufacturers tell them, that an insulin is really fast and doesn't need anymore than 10 mins prebolus time, when some of us find it needs considerably longer to get going before we eat. It is very much a question of cautious trial and improvement to see how your body responds to it, rather than just follow the basic guidance.
Hi Rebra, Thank you for your reply. My new basal insulin is Toujeo and that has taken some fiddling about with to get the right dose but I think I have figured it out now. My new bolus is Lyumjev which really threw me at first because it works so much quicker than the Humalog I had before. I think you are right about needing to dose earlier before a meal as I ma still getting a couple of high numbers especially after my main evening meal. That is one of the reasons i would like to know more about properly carb counting to make sure I have a better understanding of what carbs do what annd how they can impact levels.

When I have a bit of time I will post some pics of level graphs.
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