Reducing basal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

After being type 1 for nearly 3 years, I have never really had stable bloods throughout the night and either had high or low blood sugars.

After going on a diabetes self management site which offers the calculation to work out your basal rate, I have reduced my basal injection from 18 to night time bloods are now near perfect!!! The only problem is now, that I am finding I needing a lot more short acting bolus insulin...reaching 14-15 an hr after eating.

Could it be that I still need 18-19 units but not all at night....could I have 5 units in the morning and 14 at night?

Advise please.
When I was on injections I switched from Lantus to Levemir in order to be able to split my background dose. This gave me the flexibility to reduce/ increase either of the background doses without having too much effect on the other. I am not sure which insulin you are using but a split dose may be of use to address the issues that you have identified.
My mums neighbour splits hers and it works for her aswell.

I am using lantus.

As I said 14 seems to work through the night perfectly but 19 is too much, but do you think having the other 5 I used to have (19) in the morning would be beneficial? 14 before bed at 10 and 5 in the morning?
I was on Toujeo and kept having night time hypos. My consultant recently changed it to Levemir so I can split it in the morning and evening. People tend to say it can take up to 48 hours to see any real change with lantus
Are you able to split lantus?
If you're one of the people for whom Lantus does last 24 hours with a smooth profile, splitting it isn't going to do any good. You'll still have the one you took in the morning working all night alongside your evening dose.
If, however, you're one of the people who gets a spike after about five hours then a tail off, splitting it can help even out the bumps.
Are you able to split lantus?

I was advised to switch to Levemir if I wanted to split my dose, as it has a different action profile from Lantus. I am sorry but I can't remember what it was but I do know that it worked for me, and I got far better control of my levels. It may be worth talking to your DSN about it. (I have just read Robins post and that explains it perfectly). All the best with it.
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