Reduced insulin requirements, Hypos, Vomiting bug.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi Everyone.

I’m posting on behalf of my son, age 22 he’s had Type1 for 4 years. He had a vomiting bug/ food poisoning (don’t know which) that resulted hypoglycaemia and a stay in hospital for one night.This happened three days ago and since then he’s had to literally halve the amount of Levemir for both morning and evening and take hardly any Novarapid for meals.
He’s a bit concerned as this hasn’t happened before, any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.He feels well in himself, just worried that he’s taking less and less Insulin.
Sorry to hear that @Jani Stomach upsets are very stressful with Type 1. I find that after some stomach upsets my digestion doesn’t go back to normal for a few days. The last time I had one, I felt better and was eating normal meals but taking only 1/3 of the insulin I’d normally take for that meal. So that could explain the Novorapid reduction. My digestion gradually returned to normal and my mealtime insulin increased as it did.

As regards, the reduction in Levemir, did he lose weight at all? I lost weight and my basal insulin reduced slightly but not as much as my mealtime insulin. It could also be that his Levemir was mopping up some of the carbs from his meals and now if he’s not fully absorbing them, it doesn’t need to do that so the amount needed overall is reduced.
Hi @Inka Thanks for that quick response, it makes a lot of sense and is really reassuring. He does says his digestion doesn’t feel quite normal yet, he’s eating but having to force himself to finish the meal.
He didn’t really lose much weight, it probably like you say, the Levemir mopping up some of the carbs.
It’s the first time he’s been unwell, other than a cold, since his diagnosis. So it was a bit of a shock!!
Tell him to watch things closely and always err on the side of caution - ie avoid hypos. His digestion should gradually return to normal. He’ll see that as he sees his insulin needs increase. Illness is a real nuisance with Type 1. I’m glad he’s at least feeling a bit better now and I hope he gets completely back to normal soon.
Yes,Will do. He tends to be pretty well controlled on the whole, but as you know it’s such a balancing act. Thanks for your advice, much appreciated🙂
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