Reduced Carb Muffins


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At risk of diabetes
I just made these Carrot cake muffins today


If the chocolate shavings on top are left off they work out just under 34 carbs per 100g
Thanks, they turned out nice, and they are a lot lower carb than shop bought ones.
The choc shavings were cos a friend was popping over, and lets face it the topping is the signature of a carrot cake (I figured a few choc shavings would keep carbs lower, and less faffing around than cream cheese frosting).
They look delicious Can you please share the recipe
Thank you. To some degree they were a bit of an experiment for a lower carb muffin with added fibre. I may tweak the recipe a little, try for a bit lower carb, but the recipe as it is here turned out nice.

Carrot cake bran muffins - Approx 32g carbs per 100g - makes 6-8 (depending on size)
90g plain flour
40g all bran (if not including all bran use 110g flour for a slightly higher carb muffin)
120 milk
55 ml oil
1 large egg
35g soft dark brown sugar (or any sugar, or appropriate amounts of a suitable sweetener)
30g raisins (if wished cut any particularly large ones in half to spread their sweetness, but no need to)
20g pecans chopped
120g grated carrot
1.5 tsp baking powder
Spices (optional, adjust as suits your taste)
... 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon
... 0.25 tsp ground ginger
... 0.25 tsp mixed spice

NOTE: these worked fine and made a nice light carrot cake muffin, but next time I'd reduce the oil as follows:
45 ml oil (about 3 tablespoons)
I included the all bran as fibre is beneficial to the liver. Also it replaced some high carb flour with lower carb bran.

1. Combine flour, baking powder. Set aside.
2. In large bowl, combine cereal and milk. Let sit for about 30 minutes, or until the cereal is mushy. Add oil, sugar and egg. Mix well. Stir in raisins, pecans, grated carrot and spices.
3. Add flour mixture, stir until just combined. Avoid over-mixing after adding flour.
Divide the mixture evenly among the muffin cases / muffin-pan cups.
4. Bake at 200°C/180°C fan/gas 6 in a pre-heated oven for 20-25 minutes. Check the muffins are cooked by gently pressing the centre of a muffin with your finger – if it springs back then it’s ready.
5. Remove from oven and leave the muffins in the tin for a few minutes, then transfer them to a wire rack to fully cool. Store in an airtight container.

These can be frozen apparently but I've not tried it. Ensure they are wrapped/stored in an airtight way and eat within 3 months of freezing.
BTW, my next recipe will be Fake 'Pumpkin Pie' muffins
Why fake? Because apparently you can substitute pumpkin for Butternut squash.
They will be wholemeal, and I'll swap sugar for treacle (for the flavour, and because apparently it helps keep baked products moist, and it's lower carb than sugar). And of course they will have to have pumpkin pie spice even if I have to blend my own!
I may make those this weekend. Theoretically, looking at my recipe they will be even lower carb.
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Thank you. To some degree they were a bit of an experiment for a lower carb muffin with added fibre. I may tweak the recipe a little, try for a bit lower carb, but the recipe as it is here turned out nice.

Carrot cake bran muffins - Approx 32g carbs per 100g - makes 6-8 (depending on size)
90g plain flour
40g all bran (if not including all bran use 110g flour for a slightly higher carb muffin)
120 milk
55 ml oil
1 large egg
35g soft dark brown sugar (or any sugar, or appropriate amounts of a suitable sweetener)
30g raisins (if wished cut any particularly large ones in half to spread their sweetness, but no need to)
20g pecans chopped
120g grated carrot
1.5 tsp baking powder
Spices (optional, adjust as suits your taste)
... 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon
... 0.25 tsp ground ginger
... 0.25 tsp mixed spice

NOTE: these worked fine and made a nice light carrot cake muffin, but next time I'd reduce the oil as follows:
45 ml oil (about 3 tablespoons)
I included the all bran as fibre is beneficial to the liver. Also it replaced some high carb flour with lower carb bran.

1. Combine flour, baking powder. Set aside.
2. In large bowl, combine cereal and milk. Let sit for about 30 minutes, or until the cereal is mushy. Add oil, sugar and egg. Mix well. Stir in raisins, pecans, grated carrot and spices.
3. Add flour mixture, stir until just combined. Avoid over-mixing after adding flour.
Divide the mixture evenly among the muffin cases / muffin-pan cups.
4. Bake at 200°C/180°C fan/gas 6 in a pre-heated oven for 20-25 minutes. Check the muffins are cooked by gently pressing the centre of a muffin with your finger – if it springs back then it’s ready.
5. Remove from oven and leave the muffins in the tin for a few minutes, then transfer them to a wire rack to fully cool. Store in an airtight container.

These can be frozen apparently but I've not tried it. Ensure they are wrapped/stored in an airtight way and eat within 3 months of freezing.
The carrot cake recipe on sugarfreelondoner makes a cake which is 12 portions at 5.4g carbs per slice.
You quoted the carbs per 100g so how many would each muffin be in your recipe.
If it's the one a search turned up, sugarfreelondoner's is totally different (nut flours, no sugar, no raisins).
Without adding white chocolate shavings, my first version of the recipe works out about 26.5 carbs per cake if making 6.
I dislike sweeteners, and I want to avoid nut flours, so my baking experiments are basically to see how low I can go with a more 'traditional' baking method.
If it's the one a search turned up, sugarfreelondoner's is totally different (nut flours, no sugar, no raisins).
Without adding white chocolate shavings, my first version of the recipe works out about 26.5 carbs per cake if making 6.
I dislike sweeteners, and I want to avoid nut flours, so my baking experiments are basically to see how low I can go with a more 'traditional' baking method.
Ok if you are avoiding nut flours but 1 muffin would be a third of the carbs I have per day so it would have to be a really good muffin.
I shall see how low I can get my 2nd version (leaving out the raisins would immediately lower it, but I would like to keep a small amount in). I figure wholemeal flour and treacle will bring the numbers down further. And of course anyone making them could use an artificial sweetener to reduce carbs further.
for info - dark brown soft sugar 96.75 carbs per 100g treacle 64 carbs per 100g
But first the fake pumpkin pie muffins as I have butternut squash needs using up :D