red wine

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I know this is probably a contentious question, but are you allowed a little treat at the end of each week like a couple of glasses of red wine? I am on Metformin.

My levels are always at their highest in the morning (it's got a name which I can't remember)! As my levels are usually okay after my evening meal now, is it prudent to have a couple of crackers with ham/cheese before sleep or when I just wake up! More questions I'm afraid!! :confused:


p.s. Feeling very virtuous as just done 30 mins on the exercise bike and level at 7.8!
A glass or 2 or 3 of red wine has never done me any harm, find it better for my levels than white. 😛
A couple of glsses of wine are great, I always have a couple of glasses of white wine with my dinner Saturday and it has never adversly reacted withthe metformin.
You should be reading the news more Donna. Check out this story Northerner posted just the other day 🙂

Glass of red wine a day 'treats diabetes by helping body regulate blood sugar levels'
A small glass of red wine every day could keep adult diabetes under control, scientists claimed last night. A new study found that the drink contains high concentrations of chemicals that help the body regulate levels of sugar in the blood. Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research, Diabetes UK, quoted.
Well done on the bike! You should add your efforts to our Virtual Tour!


There has been some research done recently that suggests a couple of glasses of red wine will actually help with your blood sugar levels, although it's worth reading this investigation into the claims:

Having said that, a couple of glasses once or twice a week shouldn't cause you any harm. Alcohol does have an effect on blood sugars, in that it will raise them initially because of the carbohydrate content, but then levels can fall as the liver processes the alcohol and stops putting out its own glucose - it can't 'multitask'! This lowering effect shouldn't be a problem fr you, but it is something that people on insulin need to watch out for as sometimes it can drop them dangerously low.

Having something like ham and cheese before bed might actually help with your waking levels - some people have found that having something protein based before bed seems to prevent their liver from putting out higher levels of glucose in the morning (you're thinking of Dawn Phenomenon!).

Sorry, I've got the dippy hormones to blame as well. My head is usually in a fog. I'm sure the ladies on the forum of a certain age, will agree :D

That's great news, as I really do enjoy a glass or two of good red wine.


That's great news, as I really do enjoy a glass or two of good red wine.


Just be careful you don't fall off the bike Donna 😉
I forgot to ask if it is okay to have a glass of red with Metformin? There are so many conflicting reports out there.

Donna :confused:
I'm not familiar with drinking as a type two given that I'm type one but I'm sure that if you drink in moderation you should be safe.

Donna - have you read the Patient Information Leaflet (or is it all in Norwegian ?)

This link gives the information if you haven't got it

It does mention alcohol - but the main advice seems to be not to drink on an empty stomach and not to drink large amounts. You could check with your Dr how much would be OK.
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