Red Pen Reviews: Jason Fung's The Diabetes Code

Eddy Edson

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Red Pen Reviews does evidence-based reviews of popular nuttition books. The "evidence based" piece is a clue that it will find most of them to be mendacious junk.

The 33% score for scientific accuracy for this Fung offering narrowly beats the 31% awarded previously by Red Pen for The Obesity Code:

IMO, there's no reason at all to pay attention to Fung. Anything he says which is worthwhile is mainstream, and anything he says which isn't mainstream is more-or-less junk. Also IMO, bodies which tout his work are clueless and/or cutl-ish.

Red Pen Reviews does evidence-based reviews of popular nuttition books. The "evidence based" piece is a clue that it will find most of them to be mendacious junk.

The 33% score for scientific accuracy for this Fung offering narrowly beats the 31% awarded previously by Red Pen for The Obesity Code:

IMO, there's no reason at all to pay attention to Fung. Anything he says which is worthwhile is mainstream, and anything he says which isn't mainstream is more-or-less junk. Also IMO, bodies which tout his work are clueless and/or cutl-ish.
It’s not just Fung either. He’s just lining his pockets from the same misinformation that currently plagues the low-carb movement.

It’s very unfortunate.
It’s not just Fung either. He’s just lining his pockets from the same misinformation that currently plagues the low-carb movement.

It’s very unfortunate.
A foreward by Nina Teicholz is a pretty good tell. So much of the misinformation can be traced back to her.
A foreward by Nina Teicholz is a pretty good tell. So much of the misinformation can be traced back to her.
Teicholz is practically a facsimile of Taubes. Besides, I could probably think of another 10-15 others who could've easily replaced her. for the forward, and been just as bad...or worse :(
Teicholz is practically a facsimile of Taubes. Besides, I could probably think of another 10-15 others who could've easily replaced her. for the forward, and been just as bad...or worse :(
I like Chris Macaskill's detailed debunking of Nina:

He can give too much credence to people like Ornish etc sometimes when he goes into vegan advocate mode, but he's good on doing things like deep dives into what Ancel Keys actually wrote vs misinformation about it from Nina et al.