red eye

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
been a while since i posted,got up this morning and my eye is all blood shot bright red
Please tell me that this is just something that happens ie ive bashed it or its common and nothing to do with diabeties
thanks colin
The eye has been irritated by something. Redness is a sign of a unhappy eye, one that has been exposed to too much of something, such as dust, wind, lack of sleep, or too much alcohol drinking. Other causes could be exposure to welding flash, chemical fumes, or even harsh shampoo or soap.

Treat it with warm and bath it with repeated applications of warm water. Cover the eye, and rest in a dark place, with BOTH eyes closed for an hour at least.

I'm not an expert but i dont think it is diabetes related but dont quoet me on that x lol

P.S nice to see you posting Colin.
been a while since i posted,got up this morning and my eye is all blood shot bright red
Please tell me that this is just something that happens ie ive bashed it or its common and nothing to do with diabeties
thanks colin

Hi Colin, I don't think this would be diabetes related as it has happened to me several times in the past, both before and after diagnosis. I think it is just a little blood vessel in the white of the eye that ruptures - it should fade over the next few days (if it is indeed what I am thinking of!). Sometimes it can happen if your eye was feeling itchy and you rubbed it, possibly even in your sleep.

I'm not a doctor though, so do visit yours for assurance if it is worrying you 🙂
A red eye is a potential emergency, but can also be non serious. Without knowing your full history and not being an eye A&E specialist, it's not possible to advise, beyond strongly suggesting you phone NHS Direct (assuming you are in South Shields now?) 0845 4647 as soon as possible. Do not wait to see doctor tomorrow.
My eyes were significantly more blood-shot pre-diagnosis.

They are much improved now and I wonder whether it was down to my blood pressure being improved with all the weight loss and exercise that I've been doing?

My eyes sometimes get red and itchy, but think this is more to environmental things rather than anything else. As has been suggested, it may be nothing serious, but as our eyes are important, please do get medical advice.
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