Recurring UTI

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I get a lot ot UTI these days and always have to take an antibiotic( I'm type 2). Looking for something to try to stop the frequency and I know about drinking lots of water and the general stuff. Some Internet advice is for cranberry tablets but others, including NICE I think say they're no help.
Also, some recommend vitamin C and others say avoid citrus.
Confused as usual so any advice please?

Hi. Sorry to hear you are suffering repeated UTIs. That must be making you feel rough and frustrated.
I think the important questions are ....

How is your diabetes management? High BG levels provide an environment for bacteria and yeasts to thrive, so if your BG levels are high and the surplus is being removed by your kidneys and coming out in your urine then that will be the cause, so tackling your BG levels and improving your diabetes management may be key to stopping them.

What medication are you on for your diabetes? Some meds encourage the kidneys to remove glucose which can mean that you are more prone to UTIs. If this is the case, a different approach to your diabetes management might be better for you as regularly needing antiBs is not good.

Do you test your BG levels yourself at home with a BG meter? If not, it might be really helpful to enable you to take more control of your diabetes management. A home testing kit can show you which foods cause your BG levels to spike and so increase the glucose coming out through your urine. Reducing or avoiding those foods and eating more of the ones which don't spike your levels should help to resolve both the UTIs and improve your diabetes management.
It is also important to get the correct antibiotic for UTIs as they need to work in the correct place. Has you GP sent a sample to the lab as they will test which bacteria is causing the problem and do a screening for which antibiotic should be effective. It also important that the antibiotic course is long enough.
But getting your blood glucose level under good management will go a long way to help.
The cranberry capsules are suggested as being effective for cystitis but may not help with other UTIs.
Hi, I get a lot ot UTI these days and always have to take an antibiotic( I'm type 2). Looking for something to try to stop the frequency and I know about drinking lots of water and the general stuff. Some Internet advice is for cranberry tablets but others, including NICE I think say they're no help.
Also, some recommend vitamin C and others say avoid citrus.
Confused as usual so any advice please?

Are you taking any diabetes meds?
My mother is doubly incontinent as a result of traumatic brain injury. She was very prone to UTIs but the incidence had reduced significantly since taking cranberry tablets. Tesco own brand are fairly cheap & usually on 3-for-2 offer. That's not to say they'll work for you but no harm in trying.

But the previously posted advice is of higher priority. Also getting plenty of water through your system will help dilute any build up of glucose in the urinary tract.
Hi and thank you for the replies. Im fairly new to this. My HBA1c last april was 51mmol and in October went up to 55 when I was prescribed Metformin. I do'nt use BG testing but starting to think maybe I need to. If i need to test regularly would I be better with a CGM ?
I have an appointment for bloods again next week then with my diabetic nurse.
I get prescribed Nitrofurantoin, 3 day course, which usually works well but I dont like the idea of taking antibiotics on a regular basis.
Hi. Sorry to hear you are suffering repeated UTIs. That must be making you feel rough and frustrated.
I think the important questions are ....

How is your diabetes management? High BG levels provide an environment for bacteria and yeasts to thrive, so if your BG levels are high and the surplus is being removed by your kidneys and coming out in your urine then that will be the cause, so tackling your BG levels and improving your diabetes management may be key to stopping them.

What medication are you on for your diabetes? Some meds encourage the kidneys to remove glucose which can mean that you are more prone to UTIs. If this is the case, a different approach to your diabetes management might be better for you as regularly needing antiBs is not good.

Do you test your BG levels yourself at home with a BG meter? If not, it might be really helpful to enable you to take more control of your diabetes management. A home testing kit can show you which foods cause your BG levels to spike and so increase the glucose coming out through your urine. Reducing or avoiding those foods and eating more of the ones which don't spike your levels should help to resolve both the UTIs and improve your diabetes management.

Are you taking any diabetes meds?

My mother is doubly incontinent as a result of traumatic brain injury. She was very prone to UTIs but the incidence had reduced significantly since taking cranberry tablets. Tesco own brand are fairly cheap & usually on 3-for-2 offer. That's not to say they'll work for you but no harm in trying.

But the previously posted advice is of higher priority. Also getting plenty of water through your system will help dilute any build up of glucose in the urinary tract.
thank you
Ok, so your last HbA1c wasn't desperately high but had increased from the previous one and you are now on Metformin, which shouldn't cause UTIs unless you have really bad diarrhoea as a side effect of it, which can happen with some people, but obviously you would be very aware of that.
It may be that your BG level;s have increased further but I would be surprised if a level of 55 would cause persistent UTIs. I wonder if the 3 day AntiBs are not fully fixing the problems so it just makes it a bit better and then gets worse again and all the while potentially risking you developing some resistance.

Have you made any dietary/lifestyle changes since you were diagnosed with diabetes and if so, what approach have you taken?
Hi just thought I’d have a little input. When I was diagnosed my hba1c was 55 so not too high. The only symptom of diabetes I have was this constant urine infection type feeling, I’m talking a year beforehand. The only way I can describe it was constant feeling of needing the loo, i could wee ok but it throbbed after. I was showing negative for urine infections. In the end it turns out it was thrush (really common in diabetics) I had no idea because I didn’t have the typical symptoms as it was very high up in the cervix apparently. Once my blood sugars got in range for a good length of time then it went away.
Also a few suggestions, try and keep you urine less acidic. Try something like prelief (I think that’s what it’s called) avoid alcohol no skinny jeans or tight fitting clothing
Also be aware that anti biotics can cause vagina ph imbalance which can cause thrush. Probiotics containing Lactobacillus acidophilus are good for this. Obviously check all this with you doctor, this is just my vast experience with my badly behaving lady parts
That sounds like one of the antibiotics commonly prescribed for UTI but I think it would normally be for at least 7 days so 3 days sounds a bit short.
Thrush can be a problem with some antibiotics penicillin particularly.
Hi, I get a lot ot UTI these days and always have to take an antibiotic( I'm type 2). Looking for something to try to stop the frequency and I know about drinking lots of water and the general stuff. Some Internet advice is for cranberry tablets but others, including NICE I think say they're no help.
Also, some recommend vitamin C and others say avoid citrus.
Confused as usual so any advice please?

Hi, I also get many UTIs and my Dr has put me on a 6 month Prophylatic course of antiotic that is known to kill the bug that has repeatedly ocurred. So far ok except for one epesode.

Perhaps that might be the solution for you?
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