Recurrent Infections

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does any one else get recurrent bladder and/or kidney infections?

Ive been diagnosed 2 years now and had never had one before, but im now suffereing with the 5th or 6th one.

I can cope with the needles, constant testing and carb counting but this part of my diabetes really gets me down. I know high BGs can make you more susceptible but even when ive been relatively stable i seem to get them. Ive also ended up in hospital with DKA mainly due to a particulary nasty infection.

Every one i speak to says there nothing you can do/take to prevent them except cranberry capsules which are having no effect.

Does any one else get things like this, i feel like no matter how good my readings are i must still be doing something wrong.

Sorry im feeling pretty sorry for myself today :(
Me too!

Bladder infections are more common in people with diabetes due to having more sugar/glucose in the system. The best way to avoid them is to try and get your glucose levels down. I have suffered from them on and off or 20 years. There is a history of them in my family (as well as having T1 diabetes - I didn't stand a chance!). I use bicarb of soda (as recommended by my Granny!) as it is so much cheaper than over the counter preparations. I tend to take a small spoonful everyday (it really is vile so I wash it down as quick as possible with water) - so that if one does crop up it is not as painful. I also drink a minimum of 1.5 litres of water every day. They do still occur but are much much milder and if they do occur I take more bicarb and can beat them in a few hours...I really hope this helps - they used to get me down as well - they used to be debilitating.
Thanks Daisy. i will definately give that a try, even if it is disgusting!
I've been a type 1 diabetic for 27 years now and I also get recurrent bladder infections. About 10 years ago I ended up in hospital for 10 days with a really bad kidney infection. I was then sent to a specialist and they found nothing wrong with me. My doctor has now prescribed cephelaxin antibiotics and I take 1 a day. The best thing that has ever happened.... maybe your doctor could do the same for you.

Vicky :eek:)
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