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Recently diagnosed with type2


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, I'm Bruce

Im 39, and recently been diagnosed with type 2, which was abrupt as it was discovered by having surgery on an abscess. I'm unsure when they did this test, I'm assuming I was under, as they said my result was 16 or 18, which they put me a 'fast acting' insulin a few hours later. Since leaving hospital, I've been taking insulin/humulin m3 since. I'm told this is not a usual way of doing things, to be instantly on insulin.

I'm told my hab1c at the time of surgery was 99, but the last blood test about a week ago was 75 (about a month diff). Going by my instant glucose checks, they can vary between 5 and 10, with Saturday being the worst day (not sure why Sat is like this, I'm currently off work and my social life and drinking is nil). I've just started today with a slow release metformin, which thankfully hasn't had any noticeable effect on me.

I'm still needing to modify my diet, as I'm still drinking sugar fizzy drinks. My stomach doesn't like too more pure water, never liked tea, and coffee is more a treat for me. This is probably why my community diabetes nurse gave me a leaflet for Forxiga, which going by the information, seems to say to me 'must do better'

I hope to try and see if the forum can improve my understanding of the disorder.

PS, if by any slim chance, you recognise my username, I have a dash cam channel on youtube, but I've not uploaded in over a year
Welcome to the forum. I hope you find lots of useful information here - I certainly have (and still do) since I was diagnosed in August.

Just a thought about your sugary drinks - have you considered a soda stream? My husband loved sugary drinks, so we got a soda stream and the sugar free flavourings; this seems to have curbed that habit.

when I was first diagnosed I was frightened to eat, so socialising was out of the question. But, a few months in, I have a much better idea around what foods to avoid and which meals to prioritise when I go out.

It is a steep learning curve, but it’s completely manageable if you ask lots of questions and learn to read your own body cues.

Good luck ❤️
Know what we both like drinking? - supermarket sparkling, flavoured water as I take no less than 7 different drugs in tablet form every morning in addition to the insulin. Husband takes 2 or 3 too. Hence though neither of us would normally deliberately choose to drink water of any type, water perforce does get drunk daily!
Hi all, I'm Bruce

Im 39, and recently been diagnosed with type 2, which was abrupt as it was discovered by having surgery on an abscess. I'm unsure when they did this test, I'm assuming I was under, as they said my result was 16 or 18, which they put me a 'fast acting' insulin a few hours later. Since leaving hospital, I've been taking insulin/humulin m3 since. I'm told this is not a usual way of doing things, to be instantly on insulin.

I'm told my hab1c at the time of surgery was 99, but the last blood test about a week ago was 75 (about a month diff). Going by my instant glucose checks, they can vary between 5 and 10, with Saturday being the worst day (not sure why Sat is like this, I'm currently off work and my social life and drinking is nil). I've just started today with a slow release metformin, which thankfully hasn't had any noticeable effect on me.

I'm still needing to modify my diet, as I'm still drinking sugar fizzy drinks. My stomach doesn't like too more pure water, never liked tea, and coffee is more a treat for me. This is probably why my community diabetes nurse gave me a leaflet for Forxiga, which going by the information, seems to say to me 'must do better'

I hope to try and see if the forum can improve my understanding of the disorder.

PS, if by any slim chance, you recognise my username, I have a dash cam channel on youtube, but I've not uploaded in over a year
Welcome to the forum
I think you need to discuss a plan of action as you are taking insulin then it is important to make sure that your carb intake is going to be compatible with your insulin dose, taking into account other medications. Have you been told how many carbs you should have and what action to take if you experience hypos (low blood glucose)
Is it intended you stay on an insulin regime or is that just a temporary measure until your blood glucose lowers.
Many with an HbA1C in 3 figures would be treated with oral medications and dietary changes and only if that is unsuccessful would insulin be considered unless it is suspected that you may be Type 1 which does sound unlikely if you were not experiencing symptoms.
Certainly the sugary drinks are not a good idea other than as a hypo treatment and I second the suggestion of the flavoured sparkling water, loads of flavours available.
Welcome to the forum @nekuth

Sorry to hear about your rather abrupt introduction to the world of diabetes!

Sounds like the insulin is helping you manage your glucose levels, but I agree with others that the sugary drinks won’t be doing your BG stability any favours, and are better restricted to hypo treatment, which would only need a few swigs.

Hope the treatment for your abcess was successful, and you are recovering well. Keep us posted with any tweaks to your medication, and how you are getting on. 🙂
hi. sorry I didn't check my emails. Thanks for the replies. The blood tests confirmed that my pancreas is working, so I'm type2, but they did spend a few weeks unsure if I was (they assumed type1 from the beginning, as it was 16/18 when I hadn't eaten for about 18hours)

How is Sodastream better for BG levels? I've only been drinking the non-sugary fizzy drinks (max/zero), but I know these are still not great

As for my carb intake, I've yet to see the dietitian, it'll be the 16th when I actually do. Have spoken to the community nurse, but I can't say I've seen much about diet apart from the leaflets.

The surgery was fine, but the abscess was pretty large, its almost 6 weeks ago now and its still not healed up to not wear pads. (close though)
How is Sodastream better for BG levels? I've only been drinking the non-sugary fizzy drinks (max/zero), but I know these are still not great
It isn’t. If you’re already drinking sugar free then it won’t be raising your blood sugar (unless you personally react to caffeine and are drinking caffeinated drinks)
I've only been drinking the non-sugary fizzy drinks (max/zero), but I know these are still not great

Ah! OK. Yes in moderation those should be fine, and shouldn’t affect your BG levels.

But yes, probably best to go easy on them. 🙂