Hello everyone, hope your all well on this sunny day I'm recently diagnosed Type 2 and put on metformin. I hear some get side affects but would like to hear some positives if there are some?
I need to get into the habit of food planning and prep, any tips or pointers would be helpful. I have a love hate relationship with food and need to make a positive enjoyable experience. TIA
Welcome to the forum. As you have heard some people get effects with the metformin but that can be minimised by taking with food and building up the dose gradually over a few weeks to whatever the maximum you have been prescribes, if it is slow release the effects are supposed to be gentler.
As you mention dietary changes are just as important if not more so.
Many find a low carbohydrate approach successful that being suggested as no more than 130g carbs per day but is not NO carbs but making careful choices. If you think this is a way that might suit you then this link may give you some ideas.
Other people find a low calorie or very low calorie or shakes - based regime suits them but the main thing is whatever you choose has to be enjoyable otherwise it will not be sustainable. It has to become your new way of eating.
Did your doctor tell you what your HbA1C is as that will indicate how far into the diabetic zone you are and how much work you will need to do. If now too far then some modest changes may only be needed.
A good start is cutting out cakes, biscuits, sugary drinks including fruit juice and looking at your intake of other high carb foods like potatoes, breakfast cereals, bread, rice, pasta, tropical fruits which are the big hitters so reducing portions and having extra veg, salads and basing meals on meat, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts and cheese.