Reccurent Ketones

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey, everyone I'm a type one diabetic using Novorapid and levermeer. Recently I've had a big problem with ketones. I was using Ketostix to measure ketones in urine and I was regularly registering at +3. I did not skip a dose of insulin and took quite large correction doses regularly but my sugars seem to hop around and keep above 14 at all times. This has been going on for around a week. I have been in regular contact with my DSN and have ended up down at the hospital with them deciding whether or not to put me on a drip aswell. (I have open access.) The ketones seem to of been jumping from +3 down to +1 for a while and then back up to +3 at other times. It's all been very confusing to be honest but I just can't seem to get shut of them. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this and can give me any advice regarding it. Many thanks in advance.
P.s. I now have a ketone blood meter 🙂 eyeko xx
Hey, everyone I'm a type one diabetic using Novorapid and levermeer. Recently I've had a big problem with ketones. I was using Ketostix to measure ketones in urine and I was regularly registering at +3. I did not skip a dose of insulin and took quite large correction doses regularly but my sugars seem to hop around and keep above 14 at all times. This has been going on for around a week. I have been in regular contact with my DSN and have ended up down at the hospital with them deciding whether or not to put me on a drip aswell. (I have open access.) The ketones seem to of been jumping from +3 down to +1 for a while and then back up to +3 at other times. It's all been very confusing to be honest but I just can't seem to get shut of them. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this and can give me any advice regarding it. Many thanks in advance.
P.s. I now have a ketone blood meter 🙂 eyeko xx

Hi there
I no exactly what your going through as going through it on a daily basis for 8 weeks now, it drives me nuts and i do go on the drip etc at the hospital, blood sugars of over 30 and anything from 2 to 4+ ketones, and they keep adjusting my insulin, novomix and novorapid, mine seems to be brought on by pain, stress or my ulcerative colitis, i think anyway, I have been given a meter now too and told to keep it seperate from my bs one so I don't get confused een though it tests your bs as well, they diagnosed me type 2 in may last yr and once had been in a couple of times with ketones and nothing was working tablet wise they investigated and discovered I was type 1, I am still no wiser and keep going in with ketones but i know what triggers it so trying to keep from letting the pain get too bad or the stress levels too high, are you under any stress or got a bug maybe that could be setting it off? I do find drinking loads as soon as i start to feel rough helps keep the levels down and the ketones to 1+
Hey, everyone I'm a type one diabetic using Novorapid and levermeer. Recently I've had a big problem with ketones. I was using Ketostix to measure ketones in urine and I was regularly registering at +3. I did not skip a dose of insulin and took quite large correction doses regularly but my sugars seem to hop around and keep above 14 at all times. This has been going on for around a week. I have been in regular contact with my DSN and have ended up down at the hospital with them deciding whether or not to put me on a drip aswell. (I have open access.) The ketones seem to of been jumping from +3 down to +1 for a while and then back up to +3 at other times. It's all been very confusing to be honest but I just can't seem to get shut of them. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this and can give me any advice regarding it. Many thanks in advance.
P.s. I now have a ketone blood meter 🙂 eyeko xx

Hi Eyeko, have you got an underlying infection to cause the the ketones?
If you haven't had one might be worth asking for a blood test to see if you have anything going on.
Otherwise all you can do is to keep flushing out your kidneys by drinking lots of water and using corrective insulin doses.
Another thought is are you ultra low carbing? This can cause ketones to show.
Best wishes.
Hello! Thank you so so much for this reply! This means the world to me! I knew that there must be other people go through the same thing, it was a matter of finding them! I keep having my insulin adjusted, and new correction ratios worked out and nothing seems to help. The only thing that has helped me in the past, is going on a drip but this only seems to help me feel a little more rehydrated and the problem seems to return pretty soon. I'm really sorry to hear that your suffering and I really, really hope that things improve for you soon. I think that the thing you mentioned about stress is really, really interesting. I do find that I am a somewhat emotional person at the moment, sort of getting stressed and upset pretty regularly. So this could well be it. I personally am really happy with my ketone meter, for the simple reason that with it i was issued a set of instructions on what to do next depending on the ketone level. I don't know if you've been issued these same instructions but just for reference in case your interested I've been told that, less than 0.6 ketones, do nothing and continue as normal, between 0.7 and 1.5 re test ketones and blood sugar after 2 - 4 hours, 1.7 - 3.0 ring the hospital or diabetes team immediately for advice because you may be at risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosis, and over 3 phone the hospital immediately and tell them that you need to be admitted immediately. Also, I was told by one of the senior doctors on duty at the admissions unit when I had to visit the other night that it is best to try and drink between 100 and 200 mls of fluids per hour to help your body flush the ketones out. I know you say that you drink a lot when you have ketones and I find that I do too to be honest. When I have ketones I seem to be continually thirsty and I find myself just drinking water and cups of tea without sugar and diet coke almost non stop! I don't know if this can really be of much use to you, but I hope it can in some small way. Please, please reply if you can because I would be really interested to hear from you. Best wishes eyeko xx
Sue thanks for the advice. When I was at the hospital last night they said that they were going to send away my urine sample for tests to see if I have a water infection. They did say that they would call me back today, and took down my mobile number but no call. I'm not doing ultra low carbing at all and I usually get some form of carbs at every meal. However I was really rather unwell during the past week and I was sick a few times. So sometimes I did replace a meal with a milky drink. I have been taking the corrective insulin doses but they don't seem to be working. I'm feeling a bit like I may have a cold coming on now, so I'm wondering if I could of been sort of building up to the cold the past few days and thats what throwing it all off? I also seem to have a bit of a sickness problem, where occasionally after meals and insulin (Novorapid) I feel sick and do vomit a small amount. Sorry to be so gross and graphic about sick! Sorry to be disgusting I just really need some advice. Many thanks and best wishes eyeko xx
Hi eyeko
Don't apologise for what you call graphic details. The victorian attitude of using so called polite details and terms for body parts and bodily functions have led to many serious misunderstandings and in many cases erroneous but well intentioned misdiagnoses.

Hope things get sorted soon and that you will feel better.

This board should let you feel that you can let off steam which is part way to sorting things out in your own mind.
Thanks a lot kojack. I like your way of thinking! Thanks a lot for the well wishes and the support. Best wishes eyeko xx
Hi Eyeko, as Kojack say's no need to apologise.
It sound to me as if you might have an allergic reaction to the insulin you are using. You need to go to your clinic or GP 1st thing in the morning with everything writen down as you have done here and say to them I have a problem here is there any chance I have an allergic reaction to the Novorapid.
There is no way you should be vomiting after injecting insulin.

But as you say your numbers are not coming down is there any chance also that your insulin has lost it's potency?
Can you try another cartridge/vial to see if there is a problem.
I hope you are not going down with that awful cold/flu like bug that's been going down.

I have just found this for you if you click on the TEXT search (Top left of screen)and then put in Novorapid the info will come up about allergies to Novorapid. One of those is vomiting. Please either download the article or look at the leaflet in the novorapid pkt and take it to your Dr/clinic as a matter of urgencey.

Best wishes
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