Reassurance HbA1c

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
:Hi all, long time no posting due to personal reasons, but I have been reading the message boards, just not login in! Just need a bit of reassurance.

Today I have had a call from my GP saying they need to see me in relation to my HbA1c being high.

Last July my HbA1C was 10.6 (yes I know it was high!) and I think this converts to 92 in the new measurement.

Now my HbA1c is 66 which I think would be 8.2 in the old measurement, so in my reckoning my HbA1c is going in the right direction i.e. down? My medication was changed from Metformin to Metormin S.R. in February and have been getting lower readings on my personal meter since then.

Are my calculations correct:confused::confused:?
:Hi all, long time no posting due to personal reasons, but I have been reading the message boards, just not login in! Just need a bit of reassurance.

Today I have had a call from my GP saying they need to see me in relation to my HbA1c being high.

Last July my HbA1C was 10.6 (yes I know it was high!) and I think this converts to 92 in the new measurement.

Now my HbA1c is 66 which I think would be 8.2 in the old measurement, so in my reckoning my HbA1c is going in the right direction i.e. down? My medication was changed from Metformin to Metormin S.R. in February and have been getting lower readings on my personal meter since then.

Are my calculations correct:confused::confused:?


No idea about conversions sorry but yep you are going in the right direction. Still a tiny bit too high which would probably mean you are overall a bit too high so if your doctor wants to help you get that even lower, lovely, its a shame not all doctors are like that. See what he has to say is my thought on this.

Well done for getting it that much lower in a year. Great news.
Sorry this got posted twice - I had an error saying there was a error with my first post - would be grateful if you could delete the first one.

p.s. Kojack - the same apples to the PM I sent you - sorry!
well done on the reduction definatly going int he right direction.

The Dr will probably want to see what more can be done to lower it even further and get you down to target. Is there anything you can think of that you can do to reduce it further?
Hi Ikklemo!
Long time no speak!
Its good to have you back.🙂

I wouldnt worry about your metting with the doc - you have done brilliantly getting it down so far - perhaps he wants to just tweek it a little.:DBev
hi ikklemo nice to see you again

great news on the reduction in numbers well done x
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