Really worried, but...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I just wanted to know whether this was diabetes related or whether i need to get it checked out.
But like i have this small lump under my arm and its been there for a couple of months i guess, i thought it would go away but it seems to have got bigger and i'm getting worried.
But i've looked it up and some people say it's diabetes related?
it's not too painful to touch but it just scares me.
any ideas?
thanks, a worried Estella xx
hiya , i dont know if its diabeties related or not but if its worrying you then go and see your gp , they will be able to investigate as to what it is , always better to be safe than sorry 🙂
Hi Estella, it's possibly a blocked sebaceous (sweat) gland. I had this a while back and it does come back from time to time. If this is what it is then it may be being made worse by the diabetes as higher than normal sugars encourage the infection. Basically, it's a bit like a spot. Worth getting checked out by the doctor, I'd say, just to confirm what it is.
I've got a flu jab on monday, do you reckon if i ask they can look at it then?
I've got a flu jab on monday, do you reckon if i ask they can look at it then?

I doubt it, if the flu jab sessions are anything like mine - basically a long line of people and you're in and out in seconds. They would probably just tell you to make an appointment.
i would let the nurse know cos they usually ask if you are well before the injected the flu vac ...cant harm eh just to ask
i guess not, it just worries me.
might aswell live in the bloody doctors.
Hi Estella,

Please ask the nurse or anybody to check this out.
Any lump at all should not be ignored.
I had a lump under my armpit and was a little worried - I asked the nurse at my next appointment about 2 months later and she told me off for not getting it checked earlier. She said it was fine and was just from shaving but certainly made it clear - any lump get it checked immediately!
Get it checked hunnie and put your mind at rest
Hi Estellla certainly dont leave it any longer get yourself checked out, i had a lump under my arm i left and i was in agony ended up i could not lift my arm or anything but mine turned out to be an absess i had to have it operated on but i stupidly left the thing for 3 months...better to be safe and all that x
Although many things can be diabetes related, far more are unrelated and it's always best to get checked-out by a gp for a proper diagnosis. Toby.
It could be many things as suggested..

It could be that you?ve had an infection of some sorts, and your lymph mode has swollen as it fought the infection, and it can take a while for them to subside...

But if you?ll worried it?s always worth getting it checked out, the worry alone could be enough to rise your blood glucose
Thanks guys, i've told my mum and she said it looks like a swollen gland but seeing as i have my flu jab i might mention it and just get a doc appointment.
i guess not, it just worries me.
might aswell live in the bloody doctors.

I know the feeling Estellaa, the only social life I've had recently seems to be doctors and hospital appts. It's crap isn't . I'd get the lump checked out if I were you, it's probably what Northerner said but at least you will be able to stop worrying then. xx
Please hun, go and get it checked asap. I have a lump so I know how scary is it but better safe than sorry and get it treated quickly if needed... Good luck
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