Really worried and Confused - Honeymoon Period Injections

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Everyone,
Hope you're all doing ok.

I've been really worried and confused the past month as think I've started my honeymoon period as my bloods have been fairly normal even when I've not taken insulin after a carby meal as a test. Feel like I'm going crazy and getting scared to inject/count carbs 1:10 like initially advised at diagnosis in Nov 2016 as worried my body will give me insulin too just after I've injected the insulin myself causing a hypo! (is this even possible?)

Truly appreciate any words of advice you can give me.

Gary 🙂
Hi Gary, Sorry I can't be of much help, although I'm on insulin I'm T2 so I only know what I've read on here and other places re the honeymoon period and it doesn't sound very nice putting it mildly.
others who have more experience will be long later.

When you say your BGs are fairly normal even when you've had no insulin, what levels do you mean.
It would be a good idea to contact your DSN for advise. I see your also on Metformin I haven't re read your previous posts but I assume its to help with insulin resistance?
Do you have half unit pens rather than ones that only deliver full units, with half unit pens it's easier to do the fine tuning we often need to do, if not your DSN can provide them.
So - you're still taking Lantus even though no Novorapid with some meals?
Hi Both,
Thank you for your comments.

I see my diabetic nurse again soon so going to tell them what's happening. I am on full unit NovoRapid pens for all my meals which I am supposed to take 1;10 but have been taking less because getting a lot of lows. I also take 30units of Lantus at Night and 500mg Metformin twice per day for Insulin Resistance. My waking BG is always around 9-10mmol and on a couple of tests not giving myself insulin before a meal my BG has stayed roughly the same 2 hours later!

Think I'm in denial hoping I've been misdiagnosed or something but a lot of people telling me it's the Honeymoon period started.

I'm just terrified of having lows as suffer with severe anxiety and this has made things so much harder to control my diabetes physically and mentally.

Gary 🙂
Well waking on a 9-10 isn't the best thing and you should be correcting that to start, don't leave it the diabetes team are there to help so give them a call and discuss your concerns x
I should definitely talk to your DSN, Gary - apart from anything else, not everyone needs a ratio of 1:10 so it's quite likely you need to lower the amount of Novorapid you're having, or to have different ratios at different times of day. You may also need to raise - or to lower - the Lantus. Your DSN should be able to help work out how much you need if you can show him or her a record of your readings and what you've been injecting.

I agree with Lin, if you are on small doses of Novorapid, or want to be put onto smaller ones, a half unit pen is invaluable - definitely worth asking about that.

I know hypos can be scary, but they are easy to treat, so long as you make sure you always carry some glucose about with you. Some weeks I have two or three hypos a day (I'm not saying that's a good idea, mind, just that I'm still here!). I would be more worried if I had regular readings in the teens than about the occasional low.

Also, don't forget your body produces glucose as well as insulin, which may be why you're getting high waking readings - that sometimes means dropping the Lantus rather than raising it - but do talk to your DSN about it as they'll have a better idea of what's likely to be best for you.
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