really struggling!!! :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
sorry i havent been in touch for a while, things have been a little hectic to say the least!
right, firstly, have finally had this injection thing for the pain i have been getting in my side (only been waiting nearly 2 flipping years!) was feeling sooo positive about the procedure, and ready for what i thought was going to take little while, walked into the pain management clinic at the hospital and walked out minutes later!!! why the hell they made me wait all this time for it is beyond me! anyway, it was completely useless! i wish these people would just listen to me when i tell them whats wrong!! its my body and i know whats going on with the damn thing!!! 😡 so now i have an appointment with my diabetes consultant to look further into it incase its something to do with my pancreas (i mostly get the pain when im just starting to hypo).
my diabetes has literally gone from bad to worse, im struggling to get my injection done or even eat a meal a day! im constantly getting ill and having time off work! i knew this wouldnt be easy but i really didnt think things would be this hard! :( im really trying and getting nowhere! my head isnt in the right place and i just feel overwhelmingly sorry for myself!! like its unfair and i've done nothing to deserve this!! i know thats not how thing are but im just feeling crappy! this is a horrible totally under rated condition and it sucks and i hate it with every bone in my body! i just need to pick myself up out of this hole!!! but im stuggling soo much!! i know there are going to be good days and bad days, but every day is a bad day at the moment!!!
sorry for the rant
Hey Sianee, don't apologise for the rant, it's not surprising you are feeling down and overwhelmed by things as you have waited so long in the hope of getting some relief from pain. Keep to simple, boring food that is predictable for a while and try to direct your energies to something good - away from the diabetes for a while. I hope that you are feeling calmer and more in control soon, try not to fill yourself with negative thoughts and emotions - I know it is difficult, especially with something like diabetes that affects our lives in so many ways. It can help to let it all out, so I am glad you came here to tell us how you are feeling.
Hi Sianee,

I'm really sorry things are so hard at the moment - I hope being able to let it out has at least helped a bit! Don't feel you have to apologise either, we all need to let off steam sometimes!

Northener's made some great suggestions - fingers crossed these help you stabilise things so you feel better soon. Meanwhile sending you a big hug! (((()))).

Twitchy xxx
I don't think I can add any more to what's already been said, but just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you and hope things improve soon. Sending you big hugs!
Hi sianee,

I'm really sorry to hear things are bad for you at the moment....

I really hope things start improving for you soon.

sending happy diabetes thoughts 🙂
No need to apologise Sianee rant away here anytime, as a type 2 diabetic i can never feel what ur going through with ur diabetes, if ur not happy with the treatment ask for a second opinion to try to get stuff sorted, I broke my neck on june 1st 1984 (late grandads birthday which acts as a painful reminder for my mum) in a diving accident in dawlish warren (devon) nr exeter where i live and spent 12 days in Exeter hospital paralysed from neck downwards, I had visits everyday from family & friends which kept me going until they moved me to oddstock nr salisbury cos they thought i wouldnt be getting the correct amount of Occupational therapy & Physiotherapy to get me well again, being 2 hours away from home (Exeter) none of my friends werent able to visit me to cheer me up at weekends, my mum & stepdad with brothers & sisters visited me 1 weekend whilst my dad & stepmum with brothers and sistes visited me the other weekend which was nice but the not the same as having my mates visit, I had good days & also very bad days in hospital struggling to come to terms as learning to walk & write again as i was told i would never walk again (yeah right!!! typical 16 yr old attitude ) always trying to prove the nhs wrong & till this day i have!!!
It was a lot of determination & graft and very hard work that ive got to where i wanted to be, Life is a shitbag sometimes but you have to go through crap days to appreciate the good days and there will be good days for you sianee but just takes time etc.

Hope this inspires you not to give up on yourself, life & to give diabetes a big kick in the balls and to take control of it etc.
cheers fellow pasty muncher Duane 🙂
Keep fighting and keep pushing the nurses /gp /clinics until you get what you need 🙂

It's such a misunderstood disease it's infuriating but you know what, sometimes being pushy is another phrase for being in control.

Go get em 😉
If being pushy is what you have to do to get what you need, go for it. Sometimes we know more than the professionals.
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