Really embarrasing problem!!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Iv been diagnosed as diabetic for just about 6 weeks now (treated as a type 1 for now) im on metformin tablets twice a day as well as novorapid injections 3 times a day and lantus at night.
My diet was shocking before I found out I didnt eat during the day at all im a teacher so im quite busy and to be honest never missed eating. I would just have a huge meal at night and quite often not very nutritional!
Anyway sorry for the essay! Since being diagnosed I have been a good girl and have really tried hard to eat three balanced meals a day!. But over the last few weeks I have noticed that I have been having more 'bowel movements' shall we call them than usual! I am also experiencing diarrhoea very frequently and always at night, which is quite fortunate!
I have my next appointment with my nurse next month but in th emeantime I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Could it be the sudden change in my diet or is it my treatment. I get it also when im not eating meat so I know its not germs from food. Sorry to gross people out!
Don't worry, these symptoms are quite common in the early days. It may be the Metformin, I couldn't get on with the stuff at all and the the plumbing problems never really left me while I was on it. Talk to your doctor or DSN about it and see what they say. You may do better with a slow release version.
It will be the change of diet and the metformin. I am supposed to take 3 x 500 per day but can't just manage that last one so am settling for 2.

Like Alison has said, be sure to mention it next time you are with your doc or DSN.

By they way, Imodium will help!
metformin unfortnately is also known as megafartin...for the reasons mentioned above ...but it should stop 🙂
the melformin curse strikes again
As all the other have said Tiff it is unfortunetly a very common side effect for most who use metformin, hopefully it will subside most seem to lose the side effects within a month.
Ask if you can be put on slow release metformin, I haven't had any "bowel" problems since going on the slow release.. even immodium didn't work for me when I was on 2000mg of metformin..
Yep, sounds like the Metformin to me. It took me ages to stop having a "runny tummy", but it sorted it'self out eventually.
I could never get on with metformin - slow release or not. 'Upset tummy' and feeling SOOO sick! I tried when first diagnosed about 10 years ago, for about a year and then again last year for months (as a last resort before starting the byetta). I just felt so ill and put on tons of weight (maybe because the only thing that stopped me feeling sick was stuffing my face!)

I think I am the exception, though. Most people seem to settle down and are happy on it - I know my doc wanted me to have it.
The change in diet and eating patterns will account for some of the alterations in bowel movement. The upset tummy part will settle as you get used to the metformin. If it doesn't by your next appointment, have a word and maybe ask for slow release metformin as some folks find it helps.
I too would think this is down to the metformin but with the change of eating patterns adding to the confusion! I take 6 metformin a day and never get constipated but luckily it rarely gets to be the other extreme😉. If I eat a lot of fruit or treat myself to anything with too much artificial sweetner in it, that can cause me to run to the loo a couple of times in the morning.😱

Take it easy and hopefully it will settle down - for now don't overdo the fruit and sugar free products - easy option when you are rushing about I know but just be careful until you get used to the meds. 🙂
thanks all for your comments im seeing my nurse on the 7th June so ill mention it 🙂
Hi, Its the Metformin that is doing it. Try persevering for a few weeks and it should improve or tell your doctor who should be able to give you something else. It also made me feel really sick but does wear off after a while!!!!

Hope that makes you feel better about it but not easy to have upset stomache when teaching - can't just dart out and leave class. I am a teaching assistant in a primary school and that can be a problem for me too x

Iv been diagnosed as diabetic for just about 6 weeks now (treated as a type 1 for now) im on metformin tablets twice a day as well as novorapid injections 3 times a day and lantus at night.
My diet was shocking before I found out I didnt eat during the day at all im a teacher so im quite busy and to be honest never missed eating. I would just have a huge meal at night and quite often not very nutritional!
Anyway sorry for the essay! Since being diagnosed I have been a good girl and have really tried hard to eat three balanced meals a day!. But over the last few weeks I have noticed that I have been having more 'bowel movements' shall we call them than usual! I am also experiencing diarrhoea very frequently and always at night, which is quite fortunate!
I have my next appointment with my nurse next month but in th emeantime I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Could it be the sudden change in my diet or is it my treatment. I get it also when im not eating meat so I know its not germs from food. Sorry to gross people out!
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