Really Confused

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am really confused by diabetes. I was diagnosed (after only one blood test which was 7.1) Since then my figures are generally about 6.2 before breakfast, 4.8 before lunch and my evening meal. They spike to between 7 and 8 after meals sometimes slightly higher but very rarely over 10 (when I have had a larger meal or something sweet. They always come down to below 6 or 5 within 2 hours. I tested my husband after we had had similar meals (he doesn't have diabetes) and he was 10.2 and I was 9.8. We were both down to 6.3 (him) and me 6.8 (me) within 2 hours. So how am I dabetic and he is now. Also I have just had my first retinal screening with the results that I have background reinopathy so although I wasn't convinced I had diabetes I am now. The result of retinal screening has really scared me although it does not need treatment. Can anyone enlighten me about diabetes and has anyone had the same result as me after retinal screening. I am diet controlled at the moment do I need to go on pills?
hi there sebstar and a warm welcome to the forum , I knwo we have all been where you are now very confused asking why me ? am i really diabetic? I cant answer about the retinal question as mine was fine but alot of GPS like to say for now you are diet controlled mine did and i was for about 2 month then it wasnt working and i got put onto pills, its all a minefield at forst so many questions going around in your head

i have found this site for you thats give you some of the basics on diabetes
welcome to the forum, it is confusing to begin with. Being diet controled and getting those numbers is brilliant.

Scan through these forums and if you want to ask questions ask away. May also pay to ask doctor any medical related questions, make a list for when you see him.
Does anyone know how accurate blood glucose monitors are. Mine is the Accu Chek compact.
Does anyone know how accurate blood glucose monitors are. Mine is the Accu Chek compact.

preety much spot on really , only time you gotta be careful is when you feel fine but your meter says yout like in thr 20,s sometimes then it means it could be dirty needs a quck wipe or do a control solution test on it
Does anyone know how accurate blood glucose monitors are. Mine is the Accu Chek compact.

Hi Sebstar, welcome to the forum!🙂 Meters are usually accurate to with about 10%. Your levels do seem relatively low and stable for a diagnosis to be made, but obviously I'm not a doctor, and as you mention the retinopathy does suggest some past higher levels. Have you got any more tests in the pipeline at the doctors? Have you had a HbA1c blood test done, do you know? This is a test which shows your average BG levels over the preceding 6-12 weeks and is a better indicator of your levels generally than a fingerprick test, which is just a 'snapshot'. If the 7.1 was this kind of test, then that would be a reason for diagnosis, as a non-diabetic would usually be between 4.5 and 5.5 on an HbA1c test.
Hi Sebster , I've been told I have early Diabetic eye changes , they dont need treatment at the moment though. the main thing is to try and keep good Glucose levels , which it seems you have already , well done with that . Keep up the good work !! 🙂
It was a fasting blood test for everything, cholesterol, thyroid etc. I haven't had the long term blood test am due for that soon. Have to have feet seen next week, dreading that cos every test I have at the moment seems to be bad news lol.:confused:
Also I was told by my nurse that there was no need to test myself but I am because how will I know if I have control if I don't know what my figures are. Why are type 2's told not to test is it a money thing. I pay for my strips myself because it makes me feel better to know.
Hi, i think the testing thing is a money issue, i have 50 strips a month but i TOLD my GP that i was not happy not testing and he said just test when i want. i didn't test for a week but have tested several times per day over the past few days.. Like you say, how do we know without knowledge?

I'd speak to the gp or nurse and say that you want to test, i took a copy of the pct complaints booklet from drs reception and was ready to complain but didnt need to.

good luck

Julie x
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