really bad morning and nobody to turn to...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I hope you dont mind but ive just had a really bad morning and dont know where else to go really other than here...

Ive had an appointment with my dsn and it just went horrible, ive been trying to improve my diabetes so much and she just has this ability to knock me down and make me feel rubbish, one of her comments to me last time was to focus on getting my bloods between 4-7, today when looking at my readings I had 2 morning ones last week that read 4.6 and one at 4.3 and she said well im not happy with them they should be higher.....are they not between 4-7??

I really do feel that im fighting this battle alone and nothing is good enough.

One thing that really put me off today was when i was having my appointment i was telling her about a hypo situation that was very important to me and her mobile rang and she just answered it and spoke for 10mins whilst i sat in silence and when she finshed the call completely ignored what i was telling her like it didnt matter. it took all my strength not to walk out.

She kept going on about how dafne wasnt a good course and everyone liked the doncaster carb counting course better that it is half a day long and i should forget all the courses i cant access and all the support i havent received over the past 12 years and do this.
Yes i do partly understand where she is coming from and i will access this course but i am still angry that its only now, 12 years down the line im being offered this and i was making a point of how im doing it alone and with you guys for help.

Im upset as well coz a few years ago i finally got given a nice consultant after having a awful one that just use to tell me all the bad things that would happen to me if i didnt do all the right things and that his oxford degree made him an expert of the subject - i didnt like him - so im upset coz my new consultant is retiring in March and im abit scared about who is going to replace him

Sorry for the ramble just having a really bad morning :(
hi there dont worry about ranting it does make you better i had a good rant last week . is there any different dsn you can see ? hope u feel better soon
Oh Emma, that just awful - I can't believe how callously you were treated.. and answering her mobile in the middle of it - that's just ignorant. You have to complain to anyone who will listen, that kind of behaviour is not acceptable in a health professional.

I hope you can get an appointment with someone else who is willing to listen and to help.


Oh Em, how horrible.

What a bad experience, Im so sorry.

If you wanted to take the bull by the horns you could complain through the PALs service every hospital as, although I am sure you feel reluctant to take such big steps. Writing her an email reflectively on your consultation might give her the chcance to think over what had happened and to realise how rude and unhelpful she was.

Sadly, we meet some crap people on this long journey and some really good people too. Is there any way you can change your DSN?

Thinking of you hon and Im sorry you didnt have anyone to turn to this morning, its such a horrible feeling. Thats whats great about this board, there is always someone here who understands.

Hope your day gets better sweety x
Hi Emma

That just makes me sooooooo damned mad. How dare this pesky woman make you feel like that. If she had diabetes I would like to see her try and keep her levels between 4 and 7. Diabetes is so different in everyone but the majority have a tough time geting levels good and without a good team behind them pushing for better and better it is nigh on impossible.

For some unknown reason some people's diabetes is easier to control than others and some people have a really tough time getting anywhere near good control.

Look at Northerner's levels. How we would all love his pretty constant levels.

Do not compare yourself to anyone else ever as you are individual. If your last HbA1c was 11.0 then your nurse needs to work damned hard with you to get this result down as it means you were too high most of the time.

If you want any help with anything feel free to email me or PM me about any of, even carb counting.

Take care 🙂
Thats not good Emma, sorry to hear it, I hope your new consultant is a good one when he/she arrives. Next time try and muster a bit more strength and have a go at the nurse, but as others have said it could be well worth a proper complaint. Glad you managed to come on here and have a rant. And well done on getting some lower numbers in the morning.

Take care

Rossi 🙂
Oh Emma, I'm sorry to hear you're having such a rubbish time. That nurse was completely out of line taking a call without even excusing herself. Yes, that might have been important, but that's no reason to do it on your time without even apologising. That makes me really mad!

Just remember though that we're all here for support, and you're most definitely NOT on your own! I see you're a Doncaster lass - why not try and come along to the Forum Meet in York on 27th March, and meet some of us? It shouldn't be too much of a trek, and as I understand, meeting people who 'get it' is very uplifting! It would be great to see you there 🙂
I hope you dont mind but ive just had a really bad morning and dont know where else to go really other than here...

Ive had an appointment with my dsn and it just went horrible, ive been trying to improve my diabetes so much and she just has this ability to knock me down and make me feel rubbish, one of her comments to me last time was to focus on getting my bloods between 4-7, today when looking at my readings I had 2 morning ones last week that read 4.6 and one at 4.3 and she said well im not happy with them they should be higher.....are they not between 4-7??

I really do feel that im fighting this battle alone and nothing is good enough.

One thing that really put me off today was when i was having my appointment i was telling her about a hypo situation that was very important to me and her mobile rang and she just answered it and spoke for 10mins whilst i sat in silence and when she finshed the call completely ignored what i was telling her like it didnt matter. it took all my strength not to walk out.

She kept going on about how dafne wasnt a good course and everyone liked the doncaster carb counting course better that it is half a day long and i should forget all the courses i cant access and all the support i havent received over the past 12 years and do this.
Yes i do partly understand where she is coming from and i will access this course but i am still angry that its only now, 12 years down the line im being offered this and i was making a point of how im doing it alone and with you guys for help.

Im upset as well coz a few years ago i finally got given a nice consultant after having a awful one that just use to tell me all the bad things that would happen to me if i didnt do all the right things and that his oxford degree made him an expert of the subject - i didnt like him - so im upset coz my new consultant is retiring in March and im abit scared about who is going to replace him

Sorry for the ramble just having a really bad morning :(

Wow it was like reading my own appointments. I'm having to switch clinics because my DSN is rubbish, says the same things yours does and make me feel like "what is the point in trying". I've been diabetic for 6 years and it wasnt till i joined here a few months ago carb counting had ever been said to me. You can be referred to ANY diabetic clinic in the country. Go to your doc and explain and say you want to be referred to someone else as your not getting the help you need. I know changing docs isnt always the answer but until you find a doc who supports you and you get on with i dont think anyones care can be great.
I hope you get the support you deserve and your appointments get better xxx
Emma - so sorry and cross you had such a bad appointment. DSN's should be encouraging us to get our levels down not completely demoralising us. I can not believe she answered her mobile - that is just plain rude. Can you ask to see someone else next time?

Hope you are feeling a bit better after your rant.
Hiya it is good to talk about things like this better than keeping it all bottled up inside you don't feel guilty i bet you feel better now you have let people know whats been going on. Anytime you feel like this then just let it all out. Take care of yourself
Emma, so sorry you had such a bad time, I would have walked out! I know exactly how you feel, my DSN is terrible & compleatly useless! When I was diagnosed 4 1/2yrs ago she told me that she couldn't show me how to inject or how to use my blood monitor as she was scared of needles! 😱😱
As for saying that DAFNE is not a good course, don't take any notice, I have recently done a 5 day Dafne & it was amazing! I am so glad I did it & although my BS is still not anywhere near perfect I now understand so much more what I am dealing with! Dafne gives you the tools to help yourself! I now feel I am more knowlegable than most of the Diabetic team at my Dr's & hospital, it was 5 days well spent & also sharing your problems with others in the same situations helped no end.
As for feeling alone, this site is always here to listen!
Keep your chin up
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