really bad heartburn

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Quicky from me, because the general internet is prooving useless

Over the past week or so I've had some pretty epic heartburn. It's back right now, after having had toast for breakfast and is really quite bad.

Any ideas what it could be? It just happened totally randomly and is pretty painful. I gave up on the internet because it frightened me with the words "heartburn" "gastrisomething or other" and "nueropathy"
Sam unfortunately there are so many things in that area, some stomach related that the only person who will be able to give you a diagnosis is your doctor.

Have a word with your pharmacist - they may be able to advice you and give you something for the apparent symptoms. If you get the problem consistently you should see a Dr to rule anything sinister out. Hopefully its just something that you ate a couple of days back that is giving you Jip.

My FIL takes lanzaprole for heartburn as he is more susceptible to it due to his pain killing meds - could there be anything like that in play?

On another topic did the CGM help you?
my mum just asked - "heartburn? you're not pregnant are you?"


Cheers for making me worry Mother dearest.
Hi Sam,
It may be that you have an irritated stomach or something similar. It is definitely worth getting checked out to relieve your worry. Dr Google should be struck off - for striking fear in the heart of patients!! You are bound to find worring things on there, but in the words of an eminent physician I once worked with - 'the commonest things are the most common'! So see your GP - the worry is worse than anything.
The only thing I would suggest is seeing what NHS direct or a late night pharmacy have to say.

I hope it goes away soon Sam.
I brought some fruity rennies, which have helped somewhat. Will see how it goes, if it stays or gets worse I'll pop to the doctors.
General heart burn doesn't happen until the latter stages of pregnacy when baby starts to demand a lot of room pushing the diaphram up squashing the stomac... Old wives tales says that heart burn during pregnacy is a sign that baby is going to be born with a lot of hair😱

It could be something you hate aggrevated the stomach, try avoiding any spicy type foods, high fat foods try something blandish or milky this might help settle it..

If it's persistant pay a visit to doc, as he'll be able to prescibe something that will help to reduce the acid content of the stomach..

Any chance that you've taken ibenprofen (sp) for anything as this can increase the acid content of the stomach, I have to take another tablet when I take these to reduce stomach acid...
Hi Sam,

Even before I was diagnosed with Type 2, bread always left me feeling bloated and I would get heartburn with it. You may have a gluten intolerance. Interestingly, my doctor told me to try rye bread which I've done twice this week, 1/2 slice on Thurs morning and 1 slice this morning. My bg levels shot up to 10.7 both times. Guess any type of bread is off the menu for me. I don't miss rice as I always used to get bloated with that too. We should listen to our bodies more.

Hi Sam,

Even before I was diagnosed with Type 2, bread always left me feeling bloated and I would get heartburn with it. You may have a gluten intolerance. Interestingly, my doctor told me to try rye bread which I've done twice this week, 1/2 slice on Thurs morning and 1 slice this morning. My bg levels shot up to 10.7 both times. Guess any type of bread is off the menu for me. I don't miss rice as I always used to get bloated with that too. We should listen to our bodies more.


part of me is wondering whether I should get tested for celiac? Looking online there's lots of symtoms I do have - particularly the tiredness, irritability and the epic heartburn. I hear it is very common in people with diabetes so it might be worth having a word with nursey about.
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