Really bad diabetic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone

I have only posted a couple of times on here but regulary read the posts and have picked up some really good advice.

I'm have type 2 diabetes, diagnosed March 2003. Treated by various tablets until April 2008 when I started on Insulin Glargine. In January 2009 I started on a second insulin Humalog.

Until about a month ago the diabetes didn't really interfere much with my life. I had the odd bad day. I ate what I wanted, and basically was in denial all that time!. In the last few weeks I fully realise what being diabetic is all about. Especially when it's not under control.

Trying to make an appointment with my Doctor is as difficult as arranging and audience with the Queen. If I'm lucky and persevere I will been seen by the Nurse Practitioner. Unfortunately only one of the nurses at the practice has some specialised training in diabetes. She's studying 1 day a week!

I had my bloods taken a few months ago and tried several times to see the nurse. She was on triage the following week, holiday the week after, not able to make an appointment more than 2 weeks in advance 'try phoning when she's on triage and she might speak to you'

I gave up and decided to ask the receptionist if I could see the results of the last blood tests. The hba1c was 8.5

What would you guys recommend I do to start getting my life back together and some normallity?

hi andy that sounds terrible all that you have to go through just to see some one , they need to pull there fingers out , can you not write a letter maybe the powers that be need sorting out you need help well you deserve it in fact xx

good luck and all the best with it xx
First of all, is your latest HbA1c of 8.5 an improvement on ones before you started insulin? If so, allow yourself a pat on the back.
What help do you want? Psychological support or factual guidance on foods / doses etc? If you want pyschological support, then ask your doctor about counselling, if you want guidance on food, ask to be referred to a dietician - you'll have to get an appointment with doctor (I'm assuming you mean GP?), as nurse practicioner is unlikely to be able to refer you. If you want to be more active, then ask GP about exercise referral schemes - different names in different areas. Or investigate health walks yourself, and just turn up. Be persistent - it will be worth it.
You will probably have to be persistent to see your doctor, but it is worth it in the end. My doctor is a night mare to get appointments with and we have to persist and push, and one day when I was realy ill told the receptionist I couldn't wait to see a doctor I was going to the hospital.

Agree with all of advice given and you have us. We are not a replacement for medical help, but there is a lot of experience here and we are all learning together.

I also don't think there is any such thing as a bad diabetic as we all have our own way of dealing with things.
You will probably have to be persistent to see your doctor, but it is worth it in the end. My doctor is a night mare to get appointments with and we have to persist and push, and one day when I was realy ill told the receptionist I couldn't wait to see a doctor I was going to the hospital.

Agree with all of advice given and you have us. We are not a replacement for medical help, but there is a lot of experience here and we are all learning together.

I also don't think there is any such thing as a bad diabetic as we all have our own way of dealing with things.

Thanks guys

I think the first thing I have to do is get an appointment to see my Doctor. If need be I will find another Doctor and register there.

Since my post yesteday the diabetic nurse from the hospital has phoned me and talked me through adjusting the insulin.

Thanks again I will let you know how I get on.

All the best Andy x
Hey andy,

Hope you are getting on ok with the insulin, keep asking questions if you need to. Many of us know Lantus well 😉

All the best and keep us updated xx
lovley pair

sorry to go off topic lovely new avatar there sugarbum had to comment what lovely blue piercing eyes
Bad diabetes management

Andy S. has my sympathy. It seems that, the health service in his area is clearing not providing the level of support to which he is entitled. In Lancashire where I now live my local health centre diabetic staff provide extensive support and monitoring ... Andy S. should get the same. Contact your local PCT and tell them of your dissatisfaction with the level of support you are getting... it's quite unacceptable. Consider changing doctors if possible.

Being in denial is not uncommon, nor is fear of the unknown (I suffered the symptoms of feet numbness, thirst, frequent urination for nearly a year before I did anything about it).

I have found that when I tell people in any situation that I am diabetic, they either 'confess' that they are too, or that a member of the family is/was or that colleague(s) are.

Its also worth remembering that 'chronic' refers to something for life, (time related)... it doesn't mean severe, horrible, dreadful, contagious, crippling etc.

GPs knowledge of diabetes of whatever type seems to be patchy on occasion, which is why they direct us to people who are referred to as 'specialists' and 'consultants' ... but this doesn't mean much if they are not there for you.
I think that your really not getting the help you need from the sound of it the fact that they didn't even bother to tell you your hba1c is just beyond belief. What's the point in them taking the blood from you and testing it if they don't tell you the result and even more than that how you can improve on that result.

I found it hard accepting that I was diabetic for at least the first year but it doesn't mean your a bad diabetic. I found crying a lot and talking about it really helped me come to terms with it.
Anyway I hope that you get the help you need from now on fingers crossed!
Hi Andy,

Hope you don't mind my asking, but your location says you're in Yorkshire. I'm based in York, and I was just wondering what hospital you fall under, because my DSN is pretty great and very prompt in getting back to me when I leave messages. If you were under York and District and you were having problems, I could pass on her name to you, if that might be useful.
Hi Andy,

Hope you don't mind my asking, but your location says you're in Yorkshire. I'm based in York, and I was just wondering what hospital you fall under, because my DSN is pretty great and very prompt in getting back to me when I leave messages. If you were under York and District and you were having problems, I could pass on her name to you, if that might be useful.


I'm learning so much on here, it's brilliant. thanks to everyone who's replying it really is appreciated.

I'm in Halifax, my hospital is Calderdale Royal Hospital.
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