really bad d day :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys...

Just here for a lil whinge really, had a hypo at 5.30am yesterday which made me feel soooo poorly I rang in sick for the morning, only to wake up at 11.30 to a second one at 2.2 (mega low for me)...spent the whole day in bed feeling utterly terrible....paracetamol couldn't stop the headaches and I was so breathless if I tried getting out of the bed...was just a total shock to the system as it literally knocked me off my feet for a whole day...still a bit woozy today...bleurgh!!!!

HYPOS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡
thanks feeling really woozy and sick today, just can't believe how bad ive been feeling, its sooo weird!!!!

My head feels like its gonna fall off :(
Shelly hun hope you feel better soon cant be pleasent xxx
Oh dear, doesnt sound good. Hope you are better now and those hypos have jogged on.

Do you know what went wrong?

Big love,

Lou x
sending some hugs your way chick (((((((((((((((xxx))))))))))))))))))
thanks so much feeling so rotten still...ready to whip out me pancreas and give it a good ole kickin I can tell u!!!!!!

No clue what happened as not the same pattern at all today???????!!!

hypos succcckkkkk big time!!!!!! :(
Hope you feel better soon xx
bag of pants

what a bag of pants that is!!.... hope your feeling a little better..😉
hope you feel better shelly ...there are bugs around which give bad belly headaches and snotty running nose and sneezzles ....:( xxx
Hope you feel better soon.. (((Shelley))) xx
Hope you feel better soon Shelley.
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