Really Annoying Tennitus

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Morning Everyone, when ever I get sharp rises or sharp falls in BG, I get really annoying Tennitus, to the extent I always know when it's happening, does anyone else suffer from this?
I have never heard of that as a symptom @AceFace .
Can you avoid with food choices?
Hi @AceFace. I have continuous Tinnitus which varies in intensity but I am quite sure the intensity is not associated with blood glucose levels.

Does not mean that yours is not - what little I have seen on the subject suggests understanding tinnitus and understanding diabetes have much in common.
I hear you (pun intended) as this also happens to me. Weird and annoying, sometimes scary. Before I was diagnosed as a T1D I would get it after every meal I ate. All of my symptoms were put down to anxiety so I didn't bother to ask about it before or after diagnosis. Good thing is, it does usually pass when my levels come down 🙂
I hear you (pun intended) as this also happens to me. Weird and annoying, sometimes scary. Before I was diagnosed as a T1D I would get it after every meal I ate. All of my symptoms were put down to anxiety so I didn't bother to ask about it before or after diagnosis. Good thing is, it does usually pass when my levels come down 🙂
Thank you Adup I'm exactly the same, after I eat or when I have sharp rises and falls, when I'm in range it disappears for a while, of course I have to eat again.
Blood pressure and blood sugar changes can affect the inner ear and cause tinnitus. Also hypoinsulinemia which can be common in type 2. I would say if it’s corresponding with the sharp rises then it probably is related, not everyone will get it but it is commonly reported. I have it. It sucks
Morning Everyone, when ever I get sharp rises or sharp falls in BG, I get really annoying Tennitus, to the extent I always know when it's happening, does anyone else suffer from this?

Not had that happen but have had tinnitus before, albeit for short period of weeks only.

Happened when oldest was baby where they screeched in my ear, it was unpleasant & very annoying, someone who I worked with had condition continously poor guy.
I have developed Tinnitus the last couple of years and it is getting increasingly noticeable, when I am sitting at the computer but I don't notice it when I am out working or doing something physical.
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