Re A1c result

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi guys, newbie on here, so be gentle
Had type 2 for several years now, managed with diet and exercise and 500 mg Sukarto daily.
Just had review, first for 12 months, 3 mins on the phone to diabetic nurse.
Had eyes feet etc checked, al ok,however, got detached retina at moment, don’t know how !
See surgeon next Friday, operation done two weeks ago.
No joy yet.

Had A1 c done, when I asked her the result , 49 was the answer ?
For years I have asked how they work out review, and reply is ,under 50 is threshold, so I am just on It.
Under 50 what ?
I thought the A1 c result was given in % same as on my blood sugar monitor ?
I get between 5and 8 as a rule, twice daily,which they say is good, excellent.
If that’s the case, how come I am borderline on their arbitrary scale ?
Any advice on how GP s work out under 50 would be appreciated.
I have never been given my a1c result as a % !
Some years ago, the units used for hba1c changed from %. This is easier to understand because the % values are close to finger prick blood glucose readings which led to confusion.

My understanding is, in the UK, anything over 48 is considered to be diabetic and everything over 42 is pre diabetic.
Different countries have different thresholds
Some years ago, the units used for hba1c changed from %. This is easier to understand because the % values are close to finger prick blood glucose readings which led to confusion.

My understanding is, in the UK, anything over 48 is considered to be diabetic and everything over 42 is pre diabetic.
Different countries have different thresholds
Hi helli, thanks for reply, much appreciated.
Been trying to fathom this out for years, why Gp could not explain it, just as you did, don’t know.
She said that my last review, 12 months ago was 43, so slightly up, it was a different nurse, and too high, if I didn’t ‘get it down, more meds !
It’s up to 49 , never increased my sukarto ?
Six months till next review, so need to get some exercise , after eye problem sorted.
Should have joined this years ago
Hi helli, thanks for reply, much appreciated.
Been trying to fathom this out for years, why Gp could not explain it, just as you did, don’t know.
She said that my last review, 12 months ago was 43, so slightly up, it was a different nurse, and too high, if I didn’t ‘get it down, more meds !
It’s up to 49 , never increased my sukarto ?
Six months till next review, so need to get some exercise , after eye problem sorted.
Should have joined this years ago
It sounds as if you need to be looking a bit more carefully at your carb intake as it is easy for things to slip or your tolerance to some carb can change. That is most likely to be as beneficial as increasing exercise since you are a bit limited at the moment.
As you have a blood glucose monitor you could start to test some of your meals which maybe a bit more carb heavy to check you are tolerating them. Test before you eat and after 2 hours, if the increase is no more than 2-3mmol/l then the meal is OK otherwise you may need to cut something out, reduce portion size, or make some substitutions.
Making a food diary of everything you eat and drink estimating TOTAL carb to see where you are and if you can reduce your intake a bit. Many people need to be less than 130g per day to keep blood glucose where it needs to be and for some it will be less.
You don't have too much to do to get to below 42mmol/mol which would be normal.
Thanks for good advice guys, much appreciated.
Been trying all which ways over the years, actually was well below 42 twelve months ago, doc said no longer diabetic !
In the 4-5 m mols
Nurse said to get numbers up !
Try to maintain between 5-7 m moles, usually am .
Different hand gives different readings ?
Can be 1 between hands .

Had lots of health problems since pandemic,( no excuse) but still watch what I eat, test regularly, just morn and night at present.
Overactive thyroid leading to rapid weight loss, cannot seem to put any on, hence struggle with diet .
Have to try harder.
No cake on my 80th
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