Rapid unexplained weight loss

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I'm Type 2 diabetic, I was diagnosed around 15 years ago. I now take 3 types of medication/day.
I have noticed a rapid loss of weight (around 5kg) over the last 5 months. There was glucose in my last urine test. I'm constantly tired and exhausted after a 30 minute walk with my dog.
Has anyone had similar experiences?
Those are classic symptoms of high blood sugar, do you have a meter to test how high you are? I think you need to see your doctor, it sounds like your current medication is not working and you need something else, maybe insulin (which is nothing to be ashamed of, if you need it you will feel so much better on it). The weight loss is slightly worrying, it may be possible that you are slow onset type 1 rather than type 2. Your doctor can test for this, but getting the blood sugar level back into range by whatever means works is more important than what type you are. Good luck
Hi @Hulsey and welcome to the forum. Unexplained weight loss is something the medics generally take seriously because it can happen for many different reasons of which diabetes is only one. I see you are posting from southern Italy so how you go about getting advice may well be different to the UK, but whatever the route, a chat with whoever does your health care would seem to be appropriate.
5KG is 11 pounds so that is 2 pounds a month or 1/2 a pound a week, that could be normal if you are eating less sugar/carbs etc. I think you should still check it out but over 5 months that loss isnt as scary as it sounds, it also makes a difference on your starting point, I mean if you are 4 stone overweight and lost 11 pounds compared to a normal weight losing 11 pounds thats a big difference but like @Docb says, you should get it checked out as its worrying you.
I think that is something your GP should be made aware of, just because it is an alteration for no apparent reason, as you do not mention changes in your behaviour or medication.
It is also downright miserable in a beautiful Autumnal season to be feeling tired and exhausted - I am not recovering from my 4th bout of covid at all well so I commiserate.
Hi, I'm Type 2 diabetic, I was diagnosed around 15 years ago. I now take 3 types of medication/day.
I have noticed a rapid loss of weight (around 5kg) over the last 5 months. There was glucose in my last urine test. I'm constantly tired and exhausted after a 30 minute walk with my dog.
Has anyone had similar experiences?
Thank you for all your responses. I weighed 65kg before my weight loss, which it why I'm worried. I'm currently on max dose of metformin, plus sitagliptin & ertugliflozin, so perhaps insulin is now a possibility. I will discuss with my doctor, thanks again for your help, at least I feel a little better informed now, it's a very lonely place worrying on your own.
Thank you for all your responses. I weighed 65kg before my weight loss, which it why I'm worried. I'm currently on max dose of metformin, plus sitagliptin & ertugliflozin, so perhaps insulin is now a possibility. I will discuss with my doctor, thanks again for your help, at least I feel a little better informed now, it's a very lonely place worrying on your own.
I think your symptoms do flag up the need to see your diabetic team, nurse or doctor as it could be that as mentioned you may be Type 1 or LADA. There are tests which could help with a diagnosis.
I think your symptoms do flag up the need to see your diabetic team, nurse or doctor as it could be that as mentioned you may be Type 1 or LADA. There are tests which could help with a diagnosis.
It's really not likely to be type 1 after 15 years of being diabetic without needing insulin, but could be Type 2 that now needs insulin.

I wouldn't call 5kg in 5 months rapid weight loss either, it's fairly slow and steady, but if you've been trying eating more and cant stop the weight loss, or you're worried about it, then do book a checkup with your GP
Hi. I would suspect Late onset T1 (LADA). Do ask the GP for the two tests GAD and C-Peptide. If you are LADA then the weight loss would be the result of the body burning fat as it doesn't have enough insulin to metabolise the carbs. In the meantime have plenty of fats and proteins and keep the carbs down.
Hope you can get an appointment with your Dr quickly @Hulsey and get things checked out, get some reassurance, and hopefully form a plan that helps slow or reverse the weight loss.

It doesn’t sound like you had too much extra weight to begin with.
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