Rapid rise in BG

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was amazed yesterday to see a rise in BG from 7.8 to 22.9 in the space of two hours. I had had nothing to eat and only drank one cup of tea, so nothing to account for it. Double checked as I could not believe it at first.

Logic set in and I did the correction (+a bit extra for loss of sensitivity at that level) with my pen, and then changed whole set. Started dropping within an hour and back on target by the evening.

I was just amazed at how fast things went haywire. It was a skanky cannula site which had hurt when it went in that morning, but I had stayed on target whilst out for a walk with a TBR of 50% and it was only when I got home that things went potty.

It shows how important it is to keep an eye on things when using a pump. I was also between sensors for the Libre which did not help.
We had one like that once - from 7.0 to 32.6 in 4 hours! 😱😱😱 We were visiting my grandmother and It was before the days of the Libre so I didn't always test between meals. Did big correction but it took ages to come back down again, had to stop for the loo twice on the way home, then she threw up all her dinner so I was on hypo watch half the night!!! Glad to say this sort of thing only happens VERY rarely!
As you say Sally it is a rare event to have such a big rise.
The only one in four years of pumping.
We had a few problems overnight in the early days, she'd wake up in the morning with BG 25 and ketones of 3 or thereabouts; once or twice it was because she forgot to plug the pump back in after her bath, or hadn't quite clipped it on right and it fell off (oops!) and some had no obvious explanation but came down again after cannula change. These days it's very rare so maybe we've got better at putting cannulas in?!
Having said that we went down to my parents' a couple of weeks ago for their Golden Wedding party, there was buffet food all day and it didn't really surprise me that her blood sugars were nudging 20, I just thought I must have massively underestimated her bolus and gave her a big correction. Just before we left she'd dropped by about 2, had been eating as well so that didn't strike me as wrong either, did another correction and put a +30% temp basal on. By the time we got home 3 hours later (after 2 toilet stops) she was 22! So did emergency set change before she went to bed. Funny how sometimes these problems cause you to shoot up into the stratosphere within a couple of hours, and other times it just sits that little bit too high all day and stays there!

We also get days where she sits around 12-13 all day and won't come down no matter what I do, I've often wondered whether that might be a slightly iffy cannula or whether it's just "one of those days". Am beginning to think the latter as it usually resolves the next day whether I change the cannula or not!
The joys of Diabetes. If only we were robots it would so much easier!!
All we can do is the best we can.
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