Rapid D link canuua

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Any one else on this? if so what sites do you use?. I find it very painful on my thighs and just tend to have them on my tummy. Is there any where else you can site them?
Have always used the top of the buttocks/lower back area on my dtr , occasionally tummy- she is on the steel cannulas too (for about 2 years now) 🙂
Above waist midriff bulge (below rib cage, we each have 'flesh' just there) is also OK to jab or stick a cannula in.
I have one in right now very low down just to one side of my abdomen, sort of above pubis/crease of thigh. It's not exactly painful, more that I can sense it's there which is ok.

I tried thigh proper 3 days' ago for the first time, having felt squeamish about it since my thighs were so overused when injecting (I'd already abandoned using them many years pre-pump). It was surprisingly ok, never felt a thing, but I do have a lot of fatty tissue there & on bum/hips - maybe if you're skinny, the steel ones hurt more in some places? But I know of one consultant who is really pushing for steel cannula use at his children's pump clinic in London, and it's been a great success.
I'm not what you would call shinny, but the only fat I carry is on my tummy. Tried it quite a few places and they just hurt, not bothered if they hurt going in, its just the constant pain (ah now I know what my wife is on about lol)
What length do you use - they come in 3 lengths - 6, 8 & 10 mm. Could be that ?
I find them more comfortable in my thighs than my tummy, I have also used lowerback/upperbum which I find OK but maybe hard for somebody that sits a lot or works seated.
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