Rapid Blood Glucose fall yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Good Evening Everyone 🙂

Yesterday evening my blood glucose fell rapidly to 2.6 out of literally no where confirmed with finger prick. It took alot to get it back up over an hour and it only rose very slowly when coming up ended up ringing 111 with them checking on me a few times. Its the first time I've ever experienced anything like this the symptoms were horrible as well my hypo awareness is definitely back.....

I've thought about what happened back in the evening there was no rapid insulin active the only thing I did just before it happened was take my nightly shot of Toujeo 38 units. This is just based on a hunch and after reading around abit I think I might have injected it into a blood vessel as it did bleed afterwards which can happen normally I know.

Does this sound plausible? Just curious as I've been racking my brain all day trying to figure out what I might have done to cause it

Everything has been fine since just to mention 🙂
@digihat Toujeo is glargine like Lantus. Lantus is known to cause ‘Lantus hypos’, where the Lantus releases quickly instead of forming ‘crystals’ and releasing very slowly.

Google ‘Lantus hypos’. I know some people like Lantus but I’d never take it and use a twice daily basal when I take a pump break.
@digihat Toujeo is glargine like Lantus. Lantus is known to cause ‘Lantus hypos’, where the Lantus releases quickly instead of forming ‘crystals’ and releasing very slowly.

Google ‘Lantus hypos’. I know some people like Lantus but I’d never take it and use a twice daily basal when I take a pump break.
Thanks @Inka wasn't aware of that thanks for sharing that would explain why it took so much to bring my levels back up when normally one hypo treatment would do it took 4-5 to bring it back up just about normal range.
There was a thread here on the forum where someone thought they’d had one:

I have had some very rapid falls and rises since starting on the antibiotic Doxycycline. It makes control very difficult and at its worse my TIR was 45% over 7 days. Now back up to 65% but had been around 85% - 90%. Are you on any other medication?
I have had some very rapid falls and rises since starting on the antibiotic Doxycycline. It makes control very difficult and at its worse my TIR was 45% over 7 days. Now back up to 65% but had been around 85% - 90%. Are you on any other medication?
I was on anti depressants a few months back but i decided to come of them was only on them for about 9 days they sent my levels haywire mainly on the low side was having 3/4 hypos a day when on them when i made the decision to stop them. Beyond that no other meds at the moment
I was on anti depressants a few months back but i decided to come of them was only on them for about 9 days they sent my levels haywire mainly on the low side was having 3/4 hypos a day when on them when i made the decision to stop them. Beyond that no other meds at the moment

I trust you yellow carded it as if these side effects are not reported they remain "behind closed doors".

My next Foot Clinic is next week and I will be raising it. My last monthly appointment was not a success particularly as I felt the stand in had not read the notes!
I trust you yellow carded it as if these side effects are not reported they remain "behind closed doors".

My next Foot Clinic is next week and I will be raising it. My last monthly appointment was not a success particularly as I felt the stand in had not read the notes!
The one I was taking had a warning on it for diabetes and having to monitor levels very closely for the first few weeks which is on the NHS website as well

Hope your appointment goes well next week 🙂
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