ranty rant rant

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Me and weekends don't mix. Not at all. At least, not since I've been working all week and needed to just veg out at the weekend. During the week, my levels are relatively ok, but never perfect. Weekends are awful. My bloods have been sky high. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I really think it could be to do with miscalculating carbs - after all, I've never done a course. I just found myself at 15.9 after dinner and its really bummed me out. Not only that all this running high is making my feet literally SCREAM at me. They're so painful in the mornings at the moment, and thats when I wake up low. I just don't understand it. The gabapentins dont seem to be doing much at the moment. I went through a phase of getting things damn near perfect, and now this?! I just spent 2 hours writing my levels down in my logbook for the past month, and god they're awful. My software is telling me the same story. I am trying so so hard to get things as good as they can be, its just that my body seems to hate me right now.

Is this because I'm so active during the week? I have very few foot issues during the week unless I'm bent into funny positions digging out a posthole or slightly numb toes from walking home in my steelies. But very few issues in general. If anything, during the week I run very very low. Probably hence lack of problems. But weekends are ruining everything. My software is telling me my average bg is up at 8.3 and thats really upset me. You'll all know how hard i worked to get that 6.5 a1c a few weeks ago. But none of that seems to matter at the moment

Aw petal, I'm so sorry that I'm not in a position to offer any advice but I can feel your frustration and I just wanted to say how sorry I am.

It's not uncommon to have a different basal and/or ratios for weekends due to activity levels, of course the tricky thing is working out what they need to be.

I struggle a bit at weekends, and I know from speaking to a few people yesterday that others do too. Hope you feel better soon.
I wish I could think of something that would fix the problem for you hun, but all I can do is send you a huge virtual...

...and hope it helps.
I wish I could think of something that would fix the problem for you hun, but all I can do is send you a huge virtual...

...and hope it helps.

Thank you my love. I'm more irritated than anything that this weekend has been such a mishmash of levels. Its bloody annoying!
I am sorry I don't have any suggestions for your but just big (((hugs))) x
I find weekends very hard too. I think it is as my life is less routine. During the week I eat pretty much the same for every breakfast and lunch, and eat at roughly the same times so it is only dinner to contend with. At weekends meal times are all over the place and I either do much less, or much more exercise than normal. That being said, it does not always work during the week either. Some days I think we can do everything right and it just does not go to plan.

What did you have for tea? How much carb did you think it was?

Try not to beat yourself up when it does not work out (easy said than done). I find when my blood sugars are high I can feel quite depressed and be very hard on myself. Hopefully you will feel more positive in the morning.

Aww you sound so frustrated. Not sure I can help but it does sound like weekday/weekend syndrome !!

On a pump lots of people have a whole different pattern of basal rates and carb/insulin ratios for the weekend. We used to but it all went a bit tits up for a while. Jessica needed everything happening an hour later as she got up later.

Can you do that on injections. If you are continuously high could you increase the levemir/lantus at the weekends or maybe change the ratios you use and see what happens, just don't do both at the same time. Worth thinking about maybe, maybe talk to your team. If they don't do pumpers then they may not agree that this will work but believe me, it does and there is no reason why it cannot cross over to MDI.
I find weekends difficult too as they are less structured than the week (I'm a bit of a control freak). I hope you feel better.

Maybe at the weekend if you want more activity you could go for a stroll or go swimming if it's not too cold? Might help.
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