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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
3 weeks of a bloods being between 4 and 8! slight more hypos, but now im going up and down like a yoyo! Its ridiculas!
I had extra last night because fajhita's send me up. Drove home and had a shower. felt strange i was 20! 20! 😱 Im not doing anything different, doing extra when i eat more, less when i eat less. and carb counting!

I give up. kaput. no more. give me a new pancreas. :(
Ack! Are you sure your insulin's OK - not got hot, cartridge not cracked etc.?
It seems ok, I haven't long replaced the cartridge :confused:

Have tried injecting in my leg incase stomach isnt absorbing prop, and same results.
It seems ok, I haven't long replaced the cartridge :confused:

Have tried injecting in my leg incase stomach isnt absorbing prop, and same results.

Frustrating! How about the long-acting? Do you actually feel high when it happens?
not sure how to describe it. Spaced out. Not like a normal high where i feel really lathargic.
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