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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
OH MY GOD Im getting so sick of this!! Went to bed at level of 5.2 woke up at 5.4 did reading at 12pm and it was 5.9 - fantastic! Wasn't ready for lunch yet so had an apple being told that this will not affect my levels too much. Did reading at 1.30 just before havig my lunch and it's 11. SOOOO CONFUSED. Just when I thought I was having a good day. 😡
Don't worry too much, it looks like you've got your basal pretty much spot on to have stayed that stable for so long.
An average (although of course what that means to everyone is different) sized apple is likely to have 15-20g of carbohydrate in it so a bg rise of 5 is to be expected in most people. It's different in everyone but I expect 10g of carbs to raise my blood sugar by about 3.
yeah i used to think there was nothing in apples and ate loads of them without checking sugars only to find mine would rise! i generally give 1.2 units of insulin for a medium apple now. (thats just me though)
Your meter may have given you a higher reading than the true level too - they have a margin of error of +/- 1 mmol/l I believe, but I did a series of tests a while ago and according to the meter dropped 2-3 mmol in 3 minutes. I would imagine that an apple converts to glucose pretty quickly so I doubt the 11, even if a 'true' reading, would have lasted long.
yeah would have been the apple.

But don't feel too disheartened, though other levels are amazing! You deserve it with all the hard work you are putting in, keep it up!
great levels nic!!!! dont worry to much about the blip as the bigger picture will be ok 😉
Don't worry too much, it looks like you've got your basal pretty much spot on to have stayed that stable for so long.
An average (although of course what that means to everyone is different) sized apple is likely to have 15-20g of carbohydrate in it so a bg rise of 5 is to be expected in most people. It's different in everyone but I expect 10g of carbs to raise my blood sugar by about 3.
Aymes, that's very useful info, thanks. Haven't found that anywhere else. I had a piece of cake with a cup of coffee one day last week and couldn't understand why I went from 7.9 to a bit over 20! Later found out the cake was worth 40g of carb, yep, one slice, alright, quite a big slice.
If the remedy for a hypo is 'quick, get some sugar in you' why is a hyper not treated with a quick 4,6,8 or whatever rapid insulin?
If the remedy for a hypo is 'quick, get some sugar in you' why is a hyper not treated with a quick 4,6,8 or whatever rapid insulin?

is it :D is called a correction dose. You should learn more about it on your course and find out what your correction factor is. You need to know how much 1 unit of insulin will drop your blood sugar. So you can work out how much is needed to correct the high.
GRRR it's driving me bad! Went to bed at 5.2 last night woke up at 5 woopee! Had toast this morning for breakfast (normally have cereal but ran out of milk!) did 10 humalog to cover this (each slice being 2CP) and roughly having a ration of 2.5 : 1. Did lunchtime reading and I'm up to 12.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry for moaning guys....seems to be all I do!!
GRRR it's driving me bad! Went to bed at 5.2 last night woke up at 5 woopee! Had toast this morning for breakfast (normally have cereal but ran out of milk!) did 10 humalog to cover this (each slice being 2CP) and roughly having a ration of 2.5 : 1. Did lunchtime reading and I'm up to 12.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry for moaning guys....seems to be all I do!!


I assume are you refer to 'CP' that you've most likely done DAFNE or something similar...? I guess the advise on there would be to leave it a few days and see if there's a pattern, maybe your ratio needs adjusting for the morning bolus, or it it may have been a one off? I can see how frustrating it must be though but the positive is that your basal rate looks to be spot on so that's the best place to be when you're looking at changing ratios. If you're feeling particularly brave feel free to post your reading on here, often it's easier for someone more 'removed' to spot patterns...?
GRRR it's driving me bad! Went to bed at 5.2 last night woke up at 5 woopee! Had toast this morning for breakfast (normally have cereal but ran out of milk!) did 10 humalog to cover this (each slice being 2CP) and roughly having a ration of 2.5 : 1. Did lunchtime reading and I'm up to 12.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry for moaning guys....seems to be all I do!!
I have found the same thing if I have toast or crumpets instead of cereal. I now count each slice as 3CP instead of the 2CP recommended and have had better lunch time readings. Its all trial and error. I get so stressed with it all too. Im a bit of a control freak and since diagnosis im havin to learn that there are some things that are not so easy to control!

Cheer up hun. x
I have read with interest the many posts on so many subjects. Good NHS treatment vs Poor treatment, yes to testing - no to testing etc. I believe my diabetes is being well managed with good care BUT I have never heard of correction medication. I have just been placed on Insulin and am having problems with reaching an acceptable level. I have read all of the info the Dr gave me and nowhere is there any mention of corrective insulin treatment when levels are extremely high
I have read with interest the many posts on so many subjects. Good NHS treatment vs Poor treatment, yes to testing - no to testing etc. I believe my diabetes is being well managed with good care BUT I have never heard of correction medication. I have just been placed on Insulin and am having problems with reaching an acceptable level. I have read all of the info the Dr gave me and nowhere is there any mention of corrective insulin treatment when levels are extremely high

what insulin are you and and how often? If you're on a basal bolus system and carb counting then corrections are very important but if youre on a mixed insulin for example it wouldn't be appropriate.
I have read with interest the many posts on so many subjects. Good NHS treatment vs Poor treatment, yes to testing - no to testing etc. I believe my diabetes is being well managed with good care BUT I have never heard of correction medication. I have just been placed on Insulin and am having problems with reaching an acceptable level. I have read all of the info the Dr gave me and nowhere is there any mention of corrective insulin treatment when levels are extremely high

diomede- a correction dose aims to bring a high blood sugar back to range, sometimes this is pre-meal and added in to the meal bolus, or can be at any other time. It is always fast acting insulin that is used.
what needs to be worked out is how much 1 unit of insulin will drop your blood sugar.

what insulin are you on? if you are on a basal or mixed insulin then corrections are not really possible. The other thing to consider is it can be harder for people with type 2 to work out correction factors as they do still produce insulin.
Insulin correction

I am type 2 and have been put on a mixture of quick and slow acting insulin called Humalog Mix25. Since I am new to this forum, I believe there is some confusion between the type 1 and type 2 diabetics and the hoopes we have to go through. I began with 12 units of insulin twice a day, increased to 14 then to 16 yesterday. The results before meal are between 10 and 14 with the 2 hour after meals running at between 15 and 20. I feel so tired and listless which is really not me at all. Any advice would be much appreciated:confused:
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