Ranolazine 375mg modified-release tablets

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello All,
A quick question if I may. Is there anyone here that is taking Ranolazine and found that their FP results went Northwards. I have been on it since the start of October and if you look at the graph of my FP then there is a direct correlation showing (the trend is your friend) from around about 7 or 8 average to 14, 15 and today 18. My DB Nurse is on the case and had doubled my Gliclazide but she doesn't seem convinced that it is the Ranolazine and thinks my 'Beta cells' may have stopped responding to the Gliclazide. So before I have my next review with her on Tuesday I just thought I would ask the question.

As always thanks for you support.

Hello @TerryP

I’ve moved your post to the General Mesageboard so that it might get a few more eyes on it.

I wasn’t familiar with Ranolazine, so looked it up.

It sounds like a medicine for Angina?

The BNF don’t list any indication of an effect on glucose levels in side effects (by FP do ypu mean your waking glucose results?). And following the link to drug interactions, there doesnt seem to have been any lessening of effect noted with sulfonylureas like Gliclazide.

It doesn’t seem to be a common effect that you are observing - and may just be coincidence I suppose? Sometimes people’s diabetes does just change, with no apparent cause or trigger. :(

Hope the adjustment to your Glic dose works well 🙂
Thanks for responding yes the drug is for Angina, In the research I have done I'm sure I read that there is something that stops your Glucose levels from coming down. (but I may have just made that up in my head). Unfortunately the increase double dose of Glic doesn't seem to be having an impact, since the new dosage my lowest has been 9.9 and my highest is 19 with my new normal about 14.
Thanks for the easy link @everydayupsanddowns , saved looking for it!

@TerryP looking through the listed possible side effects, the only one that would be likely to interfere with blood glucose that I can see is pancreatitis, and I'm pretty sure you'd know if you'd had that and it would have been discussed with you then. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been diagnosed, and how long had you been stable on your previous dose of Gliclazide? Is that the only diabetes medication you're on? If you have been on it for a while, it's possible that your nurse's guess is right and the beta cells of your pancreas are struggling more now.
Thanks for the easy link @everydayupsanddowns , saved looking for it!

@TerryP looking through the listed possible side effects, the only one that would be likely to interfere with blood glucose that I can see is pancreatitis, and I'm pretty sure you'd know if you'd had that and it would have been discussed with you then. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been diagnosed, and how long had you been stable on your previous dose of Gliclazide? Is that the only diabetes medication you're on? If you have been on it for a while, it's possible that your nurse's guess is right and the beta cells of your pancreas are struggling more now.
Hi, thanks for the info and yes Pancreartits x 3 events. Diabetes diagnosis Sep 21. Yes only Diabetes medication.
Hi, thanks for the info and yes Pancreartits x 3 events. Diabetes diagnosis Sep 21. Yes only Diabetes medication.
Ahhh if you have had pancreatitis then you might really be a Type 3 of some flavour as it could have caused some permanent damage to your pancreas. In which case it may well be that your beta cells are starting to struggle and you may need to start insulin at some point (whether now or later). I would suggest you ask your nurse at the appointment about the possibility of you being type 3, and whether it would be the right time for you to be referred in to a specialist diabetes clinic (assuming the nurse you are seeing at present is attached to your GP surgery not a diabetes specialist clinic nurse).
Hi, yes I agree (reluctantly) with the forecast that I may get moved onto Insulin. It's interesting that at my last meeting with my diabetes nurse I did ask if she (and the GP practice) recognise Type 3 and she said no there is only Type 1 & 2, so is the recognition of Type 3 sporadic through the UK or does NICE recognise this as well?
Hi, yes I agree (reluctantly) with the forecast that I may get moved onto Insulin. It's interesting that at my last meeting with my diabetes nurse I did ask if she (and the GP practice) recognise Type 3 and she said no there is only Type 1 & 2, so is the recognition of Type 3 sporadic through the UK or does NICE recognise this as well?

You aren’t alone in meeting HCPs who aren’t familiar with Type 3c (though for the nurse to abandon Gestational, MODY and neo-natal seems a bit extreme!). @eggyg had a similarly hard time getting Drs to recognise type 3c.

Diabetes UK have this which may help your nurse
I had my meeting with DN this morning who seems certain that my Beta Cells are not doing very much based on the damage from my Pancreatitis events. (As in interesting side note she told me that the Pancreatitis is not showing as a ‘Major Event’ within my medical records as all 3 events were more than 10 years ago, so I need to be conscious that medical staff may not pick up on this) Anyway long story short, she is keeping me on Max Gliclazide but also adding in low dose Metformin with a further review in 2 weeks. Additionally, and perhaps, this is the more interesting item to come out of this…there is a recognition of the amount of tablets I’m taking each day (approx. 15) and the difficulties of managing that and also holding down my job to the point that I have been asked to consider if I want to go onto Insulin. That is a really stinky question, and I don’t know the answer as I don’t really know the plus and minuses of this, but I will put a post into the Forum raising this question. Anyway, that’s the update, thanks for supporting me to this point.
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