Raising in the morning

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So it seems like I offen rise it in morning (I don't think it happens after a working day though perhaps because the increase activity is still with me). I know what some people do but I think this will be a bit risky for 2 reasons I need to be sure It always happens and even a whole half a unit I can be sensitive to sometimes). I can my teams sujustion being go back to trisbrisa (an email conversation sujested it once) but when I was on that I had alot more hypos (which the libre offen forgot so I'm not sure they fully aware of how many I was getting then). And would make work quite a bit tricky to handle (it's tricky enough as it is to work it out)Screenshot_20220409-084208.png
Story of my life! My BG dips in the middle of the night. Except sometimes it doesn’t. (often if I've had a couple of glasses of wine the evening before, or taken exercise during the previous day, but not always)
I don’t think tresiba would suit me, how could something that has a flat line be expected to cope with such a dip and rise? The curve you see on my 30 day average isn’t half as bad as it used to be when I was on Lantus.
I use Levemir now, and take a much smaller dose at night, and adjust it depending on the day's activities, then whack in a couple of units of Novorapid the minute I wake up, to tame the rise before it starts climbing further.
Some people have suggested I ask for a pump. But it seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut in my case, I manage it the best I can with MDI, and because it’s not consistent, I can’t see a pump would overcome all the problems.
Yes I do use livermirr simply because it allows me to be flexible with my evening dose.(I would be more more inclined to adjust my morning dose but as my work has zero routine to it and sometimes even an all day shift turns out not to be all day shift) I do think that a pump would kind of suit me for my job(but maybe a bit understandily they don't want to give me one yet. I do believe something we're I could adjust background s for just a period of time would be better for my job. The other thing is not having to shorten my sleep after a late night to inject (which my have affects on levels it's slef(however I still would get shorten night's sleep somethimes)). My original point is I feel me giving myslef nervorapid to stop it would be risky as sometimes I will be very sensitive to even half a unit.
My original point is I feel me giving myslef nervorapid to stop it would be risky as sometimes I will be very sensitive to even half a unit.
I see your point, and my solution wouldn’t work for everyone.
I should have said, I only take Novorapid as soon as I wake up 1)when I’m wearing a Libre, so I can see the point at which my levels turn the corner and start to go down instead of up and
2) I can only do this because I don’t have to rush out anywhere in the morning, so can just wait until I get to the point when I start to fall, to eat breakfast (although if I have a carb free brekkie like eggs, I can eat them straight way).
Yes I the liber really didn't work me I gave it change but only I had two stayed working for whole 14 days. I would willing to try something else(and try to get overwhelmed by the data(because sometimes knowing which way its going would be helpful because if I tend to eat at work if notice it in 6s just keep me going for the rest of the shift but there might not need to because it was staying study in 6s that could probably lift it alone but if it was falling it would probably mean I need to eat something). another thing is looking at the last few 4 days it hasn't been quite from what I logged on my suger I have had above 10 average for the last 4 days(I haven't been well and I'm still not completely over it plus there's always a time in the month I start to run higher I never know how to handle it)(I don't think if I dicissed this with my team they be realy helpful they offen not(even though some people in area seem to think there amazing)part of the problem is that the nurse I started seeing has got the wrong impression thinking that I that's how I've always been(because of recent diggous I think need to explain that things used to be a lot better at I was seeing a lot more below 7s)
I see your point, and my solution wouldn’t work for everyone.
I should have said, I only take Novorapid as soon as I wake up 1)when I’m wearing a Libre, so I can see the point at which my levels turn the corner and start to go down instead of up and
2) I can only do this because I don’t have to rush out anywhere in the morning, so can just wait until I get to the point when I start to fall, to eat breakfast (although if I have a carb free brekkie like eggs, I can eat them straight way).

If i ever do go back on any sort of technology i could potentially try that the i might want to speak to my team first about that.
If i ever do go back on any sort of technology i could potentially try that the i might want to speak to my team first about that.
Hi @rayray119 moving to a pump certainly helps to iron out the ups and downs and that morning rise.
It would be worth you gathering information and asking about this again at your next clinic. Like you I was on very small doses and found the rounding up and down to 1/2 units just didn’t match what I needed. With the pump I was able to dose to much smaller increments.
Hi @rayray119 moving to a pump certainly helps to iron out the ups and downs and that morning rise.
It would be worth you gathering information and asking about this again at your next clinic. Like you I was on very small doses and found the rounding up and down to 1/2 units just didn’t match what I needed. With the pump I was able to dose to much smaller increments.
Yes last time I asked the consudlent I basically got a long winded no,(,"well we're not saying no but not yet") I will try to bring up again I have a feeling the nurse Im eeing next is diabetic myslef.
Hi @rayray119 moving to a pump certainly helps to iron out the ups and downs and that morning rise.
It would be worth you gathering information and asking about this again at your next clinic. Like you I was on very small doses and found the rounding up and down to 1/2 units just didn’t match what I needed. With the pump I was able to dose to much smaller increments.
A post I saw the group in my area before sujusts this is what's available that's if I ever was allowwed to have one.
Omnipod Dash
Medtronic 780g
Tandem t:slim (possibly later in 2022)
DanaRS (possibly later in 2022)
Not Available:
Accu-Check Solo
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I am using the Medtronic 780 which has the option of linking to a sensor.
This can be used to show your levels, like the Libre, and have alarms to alert you to highs and lows.

It can also be used in a closed loop which is what I do now. This has the pump and sensor ‘talking’ to each other every 5 minutes and making adjustments to my background insulin. This is an example of the ‘artificial pancreas‘ that was in the news recently.

There is a push to increase access to pumps and sensors as it can make a massive difference both physically and emotionally in the day to day management of T1.

Others on here such as @everydayupsanddowns are using the T-Slim in a similar way. Things are changing so rapidly now and the technology that is available is definitely making life a lot easier.
I am using the Medtronic 780 which has the option of linking to a sensor.
This can be used to show your levels, like the Libre, and have alarms to alert you to highs and lows.

It can also be used in a closed loop which is what I do now. This has the pump and sensor ‘talking’ to each other every 5 minutes and making adjustments to my background insulin. This is an example of the ‘artificial pancreas‘ that was in the news recently.

There is a push to increase access to pumps and sensors as it can make a massive difference both physically and emotionally in the day to day management of T1.

Others on here such as @everydayupsanddowns are using the T-Slim in a similar way. Things are changing so rapidly now and the technology that is available is definitely making life a lot easier.

Yes im wearing I'll end up ripping tubes pumps out by catching it on something,(,,if I ever could have one) I think it I'd finally would suit my job more
I worried about catching the tubing initially but in all the years I have caught it twice, once on a door handle and the other on the bed head. During the day it is tucked away and no problem. With some you don’t even need to access the pump during the day, so you tuck it away and that is it. Mine I do have to access for a meal bolus but I have got used to that now.
Hi @rayray119 moving to a pump certainly helps to iron out the ups and downs and that morning rise.
It would be worth you gathering information and asking about this again at your next clinic. Like you I was on very small doses and found the rounding up and down to 1/2 units just didn’t match what I needed. With the pump I was able to dose to much smaller increments.
It's the consuldent that's decides weather you they put you forward for a pump right? Nurses don't have a say.
It's the consuldent that's decides weather you they put you forward for a pump right? Nurses don't have a say.
In my case it was the consultant at the hospital who had the final say. Having been refused and gathered data to address their reasons, I then met with the DSN, presented my data and was given the okay by her. She had discussed it with my consultant before I met with her.
Let us know how you progress with this.
In my case it was the consultant at the hospital who had the final say. Having been refused and gathered data to address their reasons, I then met with the DSN, presented my data and was given the okay by her. She had discussed it with my consultant before I met with her.
Let us know how you progress with this.
Once of the reasons I want it is my work but I've not worked in the pass month due to being ill but hopefully I'll be back once they figured it out so I can still use that.
Also I think I might have different background needs for different times of day.
Also I think I might have different background needs for different times of day.
That is the beauty of the pumps. You can programme it hour by hour or in some for every 30 min. when I first programmed mine I started with a flat rate matching my basal injections then gradually change it to match my actual needs. That was the biggest advantage for me at that stage.
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