quiting smoking

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
A couple of weeks ago in a post i mentioned i was advised to give up smoking once my cholesteral was down, a couple of the replys i had really made me think and i was charged up and ready to give it a go! well i Still havnt! I think im worried ill fail, or im worried about all these tablets and patches etc (the side effects) i know a lot of people have allready managed to quit and was wondering if anyone had tried being hypnotised.
Good luck giving up smoking. I don't smoke. I have heard that hypnosis will only work if you really want to give up, but as it is not drug based it is worth a try.

Hopefully someone who has tried hynosis will be along soon to help.
A couple of weeks ago in a post i mentioned i was advised to give up smoking once my cholesteral was down, a couple of the replys i had really made me think and i was charged up and ready to give it a go! well i Still havnt! I think im worried ill fail, or im worried about all these tablets and patches etc (the side effects) i know a lot of people have allready managed to quit and was wondering if anyone had tried being hypnotised.

Hi Nickie,

Oh I so can relate to this I have wanted to give up for ages .. but for me its never been the right time, or felt I could do it, or some major stress has come and upset the equilibrium .... Although I only smoke outside (back yard) .. at Nathan's request and his best interests ... I still wish I could do it ..

Anyway as for hypnotism ... I have heard to some good reports about it .. and a couple of friends have had it .. and managed to kick the habit .. and still have'nt relapsed .. some friends have tried patches .. me included .. and failed ..

If you really want to give up .... as with anything it has to come from with in ... Have ago with the hypnotism ... nothing to lose .... but everything to gain ... :D

It's not easy, especially if you're a heavy smoker as I once was. But it's amazing what not smoking does for your taste buds.🙂 Giving up was worth it for that, never mind the obvious health benefits. Stick with, you won't regret it.
I only smoke outside and i hv stood in rain and snow just to have a ciggie, maybe i will try the hypnosis, ive actually found cuting out fat sugar and alcahol easier!
I only smoke outside and i hv stood in rain and snow just to have a ciggie, maybe i will try the hypnosis, ive actually found cuting out fat sugar and alcahol easier!

Personally, I wouldn't use the patches or gum. I tried both and they just kept me addicted to nicotene. As soon as I moved onto lower strength ones I supplemented my cravings by smoking again!

Hypnotism may help if you think willpower is a problem, but do please get a copy of Allen Carr's 'The Easy Way to Stop Smoking' and read it first to see what you think, it completely overturned how I felt about smoking and I couldn't wait to get to the end of the book when I would be 'allowed' to stop! (Allen tells you to continue smoking until you have finsihed the book)

Good luck!!!! :D
my aunt did the hypnois her kids said they'd pay the ?200 fee but when the hypnoist found out he refused to treat her ...she explained she was on benefits but it made no difference to him, he said that my aunt had to save up to guarentee that she was realy serious and she did and it worked! and she got to rent the no smoking little cottage she wanted to rent x good luck x

I was a really heavy smoker, about 20 to 30 a day (and not at work !!) for 20 years. I will have given up 5 years on 7 November 2010. I always knew I would give up but never knew when and never knew how. I loved smoking. Still love the smell of freshly lit fag, hated the after smell though.

I woke up one morning, decided that was it and so I finished the six that were in my box, then went through an ashtray outside and finished the longer ends (sick I know but smokers may understand that) and that was that. 7.30 pm that night.

If I can do it, anyone can. 🙂
A couple of weeks ago in a post i mentioned i was advised to give up smoking once my cholesteral was down, a couple of the replys i had really made me think and i was charged up and ready to give it a go! well i Still havnt! I think im worried ill fail, or im worried about all these tablets and patches etc (the side effects) i know a lot of people have allready managed to quit and was wondering if anyone had tried being hypnotised.
Hi nickie i quit smoking 8 weeks ago i didn't plan it i just did it there and then. I have smoked for 30 yrs, about 10 to 12 per day. The first 3 days were agony, i went to my doctor who put me in touch with Quit for life, i am on patches i still get gravings but i WILL NOT go back to those addictive coffin sticks. You need bags and bags and BAGS of willpower but i am doing it and my 9 yr is so supportive and proud of me , i have saved up my fag money to buy her a new bed for her newly decorated bedroom. Go for it you can do it, what ever method you choose. sheena
Hi nickie i quit smoking 8 weeks ago i didn't plan it i just did it there and then. I have smoked for 30 yrs, about 10 to 12 per day. The first 3 days were agony, i went to my doctor who put me in touch with Quit for life, i am on patches i still get gravings but i WILL NOT go back to those addictive coffin sticks. You need bags and bags and BAGS of willpower but i am doing it and my 9 yr is so supportive and proud of me , i have saved up my fag money to buy her a new bed for her newly decorated bedroom. Go for it you can do it, what ever method you choose. sheena

Yep you are right. The first 3 days are the worst, you thinking about fags all the time. By the end of the first week it is only a few times a day and so on. Three weeks and you will think 'oh I didn't think about a cigarette all day' and it gets easier and easier.

I could still have one today but I know I couldn't really because I would be back full time so abstinence is a must for me.
It'll be 22 years in May since I quit smoking.

I was a chainsmoker and decided to give it up. Didn't get any help to quit just pure willpower, probably one of the best things I ever did.
ive dusted my alan carr book off, as im not at work tonight i will start reading it this eve, thanks for all your messages of support, im just going to keep telling myself i can do this!🙂
ive dusted my alan carr book off, as im not at work tonight i will start reading it this eve, thanks for all your messages of support, im just going to keep telling myself i can do this!🙂

Excellent Nickie! The man is a legend! Good luck - you CAN do it!!! :D
ive dusted my alan carr book off, as im not at work tonight i will start reading it this eve, thanks for all your messages of support, im just going to keep telling myself i can do this!🙂

Go For It Nickie .... You Can Do It .... :D:D

I was diagnosed on the 19th january and had my last ciggie on the 19th march.... ive been a heavy smokerr, 20-25 a day, for 17 years...

ive had some super duper tablets from the doc called champix... very expensive and he told me i would only ever get one opportunity to have them on prescription...

i feel good, breath easier, smell nice and can now smell a smoker a mile away hehehe

oh and im saving a fortune!

stick at it.....
I packed up when I had a bad cold and felt too ill to smoke. 6 months+ now.
Can I just congratulate ANYONE who stops smoking
only imagine just how difficult give up smoking must be

Keep up the good work.

18 months now. It is/was hard, make no mistake about that. Some say it was easy, bravado says I. How it was done! First pick a day, buy some patches comfort blanket 😉, now you're ready. First give up day, put on patch (ooo that's good), now have a cigarette😱.....but, only smoke half of it. Coffee time need another cigarette, um!, just place that unlit half in your mouth, have a few drags. That is what you will be missing, it is disgusting, bare that in mind every time you repeat this. Smoke that half, and repeat throughout the day.

You will be smoking half of what you smoke straight away, now you need willpower. Remember how disgusting it tastes?. Bit by bit, cut down your cigarettes, until you're down to a couple. OK.......now STOP😱

All that is left, is to reduce the patches, I just stopped using them, when I smoked my last Cigarette. I have 9 in a packet, that I keep on top of a cupboard, every time I get the urge, I look up there, and remember that taste. I can smell smokers now, you smell like that at present!

Good luck🙂
Right ive picked a day im out for a friends birthday 9th April so im going for the 10th which also would haver been my dads birthday, hopefully by then i will have finished the book as well, thanks for all the encouragement🙂
hiya, i gave up smoking 13 years ago now. i tried all sorts and ended up on a smoking cessation course which really helped me see how i was behaving in excusing myself for wanting a ciggarette. i dont think i could have done it without their help and the patches. i used to say to myself in the mornings that i would not have a cggy that day as saying i was never going to smoke ever ever again was too much.
i dont know when the day came that i knew i would never smoke again but i had a baby and then it never entered my head. it was the best thing i could have done and the freedom from running my day around the cigs is great. good luck
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