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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Following on from something Bev wrote on Shiv's thread, how many people use Quicksets with a Medtronic pump? Personally I've always used them, I tried the sil and the quickset at the beginning and preferred the quickset by far (much to my surprise, I was expecting to hate it lol).

BUT my latest order which admittedly has been sat in the cupboard for ~4 months while I used up old stock, feels different. I've had a lot more problems with kinked cannulas etc than normal too. The plastic tubing doesn't feel as robust, it feels softer somehow, and "stickier" if that makes sense? Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me? Does anyone know if Medtronic have changed their manufacturing process for them?

Finally, can anyone tell me how the quicksets and mios compare? I'm going to ask my DSN about the mios when I see her in a couple of weeks.
There are quite a few on the childrens list who have changed from using quicksets because of lots of problems with bent canulas - but mostly the 6mm ones. I dont know whether they have changed the manufacturer - but if I were you I would give them a ring and ask to speak to the 'technical' support as they are really helpful and will be able to advise you about any previous problems.🙂Bev
Hi Cate,

When I used Quicksets I had no trouble with them at all. I used to use the 6mm ones. Then I tried out the Mios which I had alot of trouble with and something like five failures. I now use the Silhouette ones as I find them more comforatable than anything else. I like the manual insertion that I can do with these ones too. I use the 13mm Silhouettes.

You can probably get Medtronic to send you out a few Mios to try too 🙂

Now there's a plan! :D

I'll see how I go, I've got about 4 boxes of the quicksets to get through first - though if they keep kinking at the current rate, that won't take very long 😱
Now there's a plan! :D

I'll see how I go, I've got about 4 boxes of the quicksets to get through first - though if they keep kinking at the current rate, that won't take very long 😱

If you tell them about the kinking they will prefer you to not use them and send you some mio's if that is what you want - dont forget - they dont want anything to happen to you because of their products - so if they have been told - then they would be silly not to change to something that is better suited to you.🙂Bev
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