quick update!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Thought i would let you know that the weekend away with all the type 1 children went very well!
Alex loved being in the majority for a change and learned some new techniques etc..
He also saw little children age 2 or 3 wearing pumps and showing him how they worked! He was very impressed and now very much wants one!

The consultant at the hospital just changed all his ratios and correction doses - but the problem is he is hypoing all the time! He had 5 yesterday! I will give it a few days and see how things work out. He does seem much happier now that he is no longer in the 20's!🙂 Bev
hi bev glad it all went ok and alex had a nice time x
thanks Bev. Hope alex gets sorted soon, cant be nice for him, one week high and the next low :(

I did dafne last week and it was fantastic. One thing i learned is that when changing ratios you shoud only change one at a time, same goes for basal. If you make more than one change how do you know what is working? Hope that makes sense. I know this must be so frustrating for you as you try so hard all the time. good luck 🙂
Hi bev, glad to hear from you. Glad the weekend good too!

5 hypos -- nightmare.

Agree with ratio and level changing...we find it mind-blowing to do too much shifting at once, because then you don't know what's effective? Anyway obviously you have to see.

If hypos all spread through the day consistently, and at fasting level, look at basal?

As for pumps -- oh yes. We are chomping at the bit. E eating and eating, and we are trying to keep up...

All best.
Thanks - i agree too that we should lower his basal - but i think its best to wait for a couple more days - i dont want to upset the new consultant by changing things. I suspect its what he will say anyway.
Hypo's seem to happen after the 2 hour mark of after a meal - so i am thinking we should introduce the 14g snack idea again! We had stopped it because of the highs he was having.

Patricia, have you been given a date for the pump start yet? You must all be so excited! I am and will read everything you post - as hopefully one day Alex will get one!🙂 Bev
Hi Bev

When you say 'after the two hour mark', do you mean like three or four hours after eating? Not 'on' the two hour mark? The former sounds like basal, the latter like ratio! How everlasting complicated this all is.

Re pump: was supposed to go today to get it and bring it back for a play, but younger child is off with cold that E had at the weekend. So I'll head up Thursday or hope to get it in post. We still hope to be in for initial saline training in the next couple of weeks, and then on the actual insulin by mid-June. Fingers crossed!

It's the quality of life change we look forward to. What he wouldn't give for a lie in...! And us, come to think of it.

Also, I've double checked the provision of a CGM in this authority; indeed, with every pump requested, a CGM has been figured in too to the cost. So in time we will get this as well without re-applying. I'm not sure how or if he will take to this, but I think he will for at least some of the time. It would be very useful in lots of situations.
Glad you and Alex had a good weekend Bev. I bet Alex feels so much better about everything 🙂
glad you enjoyed the weekend, it really makes a difference being with other diabetics.

When will you next be in contact with the consultant/DSN so that they can change the ratios? that many hypos must be exausting
Hi Nikki,
Well i did ring them this morning - but they never ring back on the same day - so i will try again tomorrow. I would like to change things myself - but i am wary as i dont want to get on the wrong side of the 'nice' consultant! He had 1 hypo today 2.1mmols. I am thinking i need to change his ratio - like Patricia said - perhaps 1;10 is too high for him - i think 1;12 may be a better bet as 1;15 was too low! Bev
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