Quick update

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just thought I'd post a very quick update. The general aim has been to get better blood sugars, make doses more predictable and to lose about 4 or 5 lbs.
We've been doing daily walks of 2 or 3 miles, which have stepped up to about 5 miles a day over the past 2 or 3 days. I've lost a couple of lbs and feel a lot stronger and fitter.
Bloods are not bad but with the increased activity, I've had hypos at about 4am these past nights, so it's time to lower the basal.
Weve been writing everything down, from carbs to insulin to exercise and I can now find a scenario that fits whatever I'm doing from the past 3 weeks so I can actually work out doses rather than guess. I have a pedometer which gives me a target to beat each day. We've exceeded the 10,000 steps the past 2 days and I'm well over 5,000 steps today thanks to a walk this morning. Yesterday, we couldn't sleep after the hypo, so had an early breakfast and set off round the mountain before 8am. 😱 That was followed up by a further walk in the evening.

I've got my dietician appointment through today. September 21st, which was first asked for in early July, so no mad rush there then.

Off out now to do hack back some gorse and do some general maintenance.


Rob 🙂
Keep it up Robster.............well done
Thanks all. I was hoping to se the dietician this side of September but hey ho.

Well done!!! I'm really impressed I need to get more active but theres always something else more fun to do lol
Cheers loubie 🙂

It's all down to my girlfriend. She is recording all my food, doses, steps, etc so we have something to look back at and improve on.

I'm now finding that I can happily do a couple of walks a day totalling about 4 or 5 miles plus pottering about. I used to be relatively fit but lost it in the last year or so. It's now coming back and I want to get out and enjoy the countryside while I can.

Go you!!!

Thanks pheobe. Just got back from 2nd walk. 12,000+ steps so far today. Another 500 or so to go I should think.

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