Quick snacks to take when out and about to help with shaky feelings

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
In my case on a walk or when fishing or out at a football match

Is it right that a small bar of chocolate, a nature valley energy bar or 4 or 5 wine gums is ok if you are feeling a bit weak ?
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In my case on a walk or when fishing or out at a football match

Is it right that a small bar of chocolate, a nature valley energy bar or 4 or 5 wine gums is ok if you are feeling a bit weak ?
Perfectly ok. Everyone knows chocolate is good for you.
In my case on a walk or when fishing or out at a football match

Is it right that a small bar of chocolate, a nature valley energy bar or 4 or 5 wine gums is ok if you are feeling a bit weak ?
You need to test your blood sugar when you feel weak and if it’s low follow the hypo treatment which is not chocolate but fast acting carbs.

I can’t remember if you’re on medication that causes hypos or not though?
It would be helpful for you to know what your levels actually were when you felt like this I think @Taffyboyslim , as it can affect the most appropriate choice of treatment, and the urgency.

Some people find that as their levels reduce from having been quite high for a while, they can get some of the symptoms of mild hypoglycaemia (feeling super-hungry snd a bit shaky) when their levels are still within a healthy range, but just comparatively low for them.

It that circumstance, something lower carb, and more gentle acting (perhaps a plain biscuit or small section of a cereal bar) may be enough to reduce the symptoms without causing a big spike back up to higher levels.

However, if your levels are near or below 4.0, you could be at imminent risk of hypoglycaemia, and would be better treating with 15g of fast-acting carbs, and then rechecking in 15 minutes, and retreating if necessary.

Do you have a BG meter you could take with you when out and about?
Nuts, peanut butter and chocolate are not going to up your blood sugar quickly, if that is what you are after. Nor apples. Apple juice, however will have a quick effect.
But, as previosly said, its best to test to ensure we are talking low blood sugar
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