quick question

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
went to the doctor today

my sugar is sky high in the mornings

doctor said to take more insulin at night

if it does not go down to increase the insulin

is there not a cut off point to the insulin

or do you just keep increasing or do you

go to something different if the insulin you

are on just does not work

sorry new to all this and still have questions

You can increase your insulin until the blood glucose readings start to come down but you do have to be careful because too much insulin will cause your blood sugar to drop too much and that can cause a hypo. This is especially a concern at night time.

You may be quite insulin resistant - I believe this is quite often the case with Type 2 diabetics - and therefore you may require quite large doses, at least initially, to get the desired results. But for everyone on insulin it is a case of finding the doses that is correct for their own unique requirements.

If you continue to have problems controlling your blood sugars using the insulins you are currently prescribed then there are alternative insulins for you to try. The starting point though is to see whether slowly increasing your current dose does start to reduce your morning readings.

I am sure you will get more responses as people log on in the morning. Feel free to ask further questions, most if not everyone here found their initial steps on an insulin regime quite daunting but once you learn the ropes it does become easier.

BTW if you get the chance it might help people responding later if you could outline what insulin you are currently on and what your current doses are.

Best wishes. 😎

thanks so much

i guess i worry to much

i have several friends

who also have diabetes

one just found out a couple of months ago

we try and help each other

I think that once you adjust your background insulin it takes a few days for it to show any difference ie if i took more tnite and its usually 9mmol in morning so wanted it to come down then i would expect to notice in a couple of days and not the next morning then adjust again if i had to... not sure if its the case with every one or all insulins though 🙄
sorry it just dawned on me that you might be talking about fast acting insulin 🙄i would never take that at night before bed hehehe no matter wat my doc says 😉
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