Quick question regarding symptoms

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was reading another thread where someone with an HbA1c over 100, they were told that at that level she would experience symptoms. This made me wonder at what level HbA1c would you expect symptoms. I had no symptoms whatsoever and was picked up on a random blood test for another condition, I had no increased thirst (have to remind myself to drink) no additional urination (connected to the first I am guessing) and literally hadnt a clue except for being overweight that I had it.

My HbA1c was 80, I am waiting for my new result of the blood test I had taken yesterday but if people with 80 or even higher have no symptoms how will they ever know? Should there be routine blood tests, maybe an annual health check when you reach 40 maybe?

On another question. I noticed yesterday on the App my results another one appeared called Frailty score (gave me a zero)..but it had 28th Sept next to it and I havent had any tests done on that date also when I googled it stays its for over 65s and I am 57 just worried they have put someone elses result on my record
I replied on your other thread @Jenny65 but if you do think they’ve put someone else’s result on your records, you could always check with your surgery.

As for symptoms, I think if blood sugar rises gradually people can get used to the symptoms and so don’t feel them, or don’t feel them as much as they should.
I replied on your other thread @Jenny65 but if you do think they’ve put someone else’s result on your records, you could always check with your surgery.

As for symptoms, I think if blood sugar rises gradually people can get used to the symptoms and so don’t feel them, or don’t feel them as much as they should.
Thanks Inka, I have also responded to your reply on the other thread, gave it its own thread in case it got missed on this one, but your response is sort of what I thought too 🙂

Im feeling very positive and healthy today, my jeans fitted so nicely and I even accidently put on my daughters jumper instead of mine without realising (she is size 12). I expect my mood will change after my vaccinations but for now I feel upbeat

Hope you are also good today xx
Mine was 83 and I wasn't having the 'classic' symptoms, although I did suspect the pains in my legs were diabetes related (The GP disagreed and said it was wear and tear!).

I think 80+ is the point where some of symptoms do appear. I have read research (From the US) where some doctors think that above this level insulin should be used to give the pancreas a break.
The symptom of frequent urination and consequent thirst occurs when the kidneys start to remove excess glucose from the blood. The level that this mechanism is triggered will vary from one person to another but generally BG readings consistently mid teens and above. It's a bit of a make or break thing from my experience. Once you hit the tipping point the flood gates open so to speak. I will never forget that insatiable raging thirst and the trips to the loo every 1-2 hours day and throughout the night. For me it happened very suddenly when I had been out for a meal and as we were about to leave, I was suddenly desperate for a drink. I had a pint of water when I got home and it didn't touch the sides and I spent all night drinking (water thankfully) and weeing and assumed the steak pie and chips I had eaten must have been much saltier than I thought, but when it continued into the next day and the raging thirst was unquenchable, I knew something was amiss and came up with diabetes via a google search. My HbA1c was 112 2 weeks later when I had a blood test, but by then I had cut right back on sugar.... I was a typical "muggle"... totally ignorant of total carbs 🙄 but ditching my sugar consumption would have dropped levels quite a bit even in just 2 weeks as I was "a heavy user/addict". 😱
I only realised how bad I was feeling when I ditched the low fat and high starch diet my GP insisted would lower that dangerous cholesterol.
I'd had decades of the same thing over and over, and being ignored when I reported feeling unwell eating a high carb diet so once I got to around 50 years old I had rather given up.
At 71 and eating very little or not at all, and what I do eat is low in carbs I feel so much better, but my actual symptoms were not all that evident, other than gaining weight so very easily. My weariness was put down to age and weight.
I was reading another thread where someone with an HbA1c over 100, they were told that at that level she would experience symptoms. This made me wonder at what level HbA1c would you expect symptoms. I had no symptoms whatsoever and was picked up on a random blood test for another condition, I had no increased thirst (have to remind myself to drink) no additional urination (connected to the first I am guessing) and literally hadnt a clue except for being overweight that I had it.

My HbA1c was 80, I am waiting for my new result of the blood test I had taken yesterday but if people with 80 or even higher have no symptoms how will they ever know? Should there be routine blood tests, maybe an annual health check when you reach 40 maybe?

On another question. I noticed yesterday on the App my results another one appeared called Frailty score (gave me a zero)..but it had 28th Sept next to it and I havent had any tests done on that date also when I googled it stays its for over 65s and I am 57 just worried they have put someone elses result on my record
Everyone over 40 without existing health conditions (I guess they're assuming they'll be getting regular health checks anyway where screening can be done) is supposed to be offered a routine health check every 5 years

In terms of thirst, I started feeling a lot more thirsty when I started drinking more water as advised over the phone when the nurse told me I'm diabetic. I think before that my body had kind of given up on bothering to flag thirst as an acute need because I rarely drank enough (though my initial HbA1c was 54 so slightly lower).

I have a high bladder capacity so even with drinking more now I probably still don't go to the toilet the recommended number of times
In terms of thirst, I started feeling a lot more thirsty when I started drinking more water as advised over the phone when the nurse told me I'm diabetic. I think before that my body had kind of given up on bothering to flag thirst as an acute need because I rarely drank enough (though my initial HbA1c was 54 so slightly lower).

I have a high bladder capacity so even with drinking more now I probably still don't go to the toilet the recommended number of times
this is very similar to me. I remember having to drink loads before an ultrasound when I was pregnant, I had the scan and the scanner told me to go to the loo as my bladder was far fuller than she had ever seen before 🙂 I felt fine though, maybe the nerve that tell you too go are missing in us 🙂
this is very similar to me. I remember having to drink loads before an ultrasound when I was pregnant, I had the scan and the scanner told me to go to the loo as my bladder was far fuller than she had ever seen before 🙂 I felt fine though, maybe the nerve that tell you too go are missing in us 🙂
I was induced with my second so they wanted accurate fluids and therefore asked me to collect the pee when I needed the toilet. Midwife was shocked and said she'd never had anyone in labour be able to pee so much in one go!
good pelvic floor muscles 🙂
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